Hey Orange Lake CC activities and Luau question.


Aug 17, 2000
We're happy that we've read so many good things about Orange Lake CC. We'll be staying there, courtesy of my parent's RCI. We'll be in a 2-bdrm villa, in the middle of May. 1st time staying off-site, but the price is right, and the accomodations look wonderful. Can anyone tell me about the luau? I've never been to one, so I don't have anything to compare it to. Any suggestions, comments, etc. about any of the activities there would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
Hi...go their website at Orangelake.com and call the toll free number and request them to send you a calendar of events....they have something ALL the time, it amazing.....we did mostly disney, but you could never leave the resort and be busy all the time...I don't know anything about the Luau, sorry....It is a fun place....Ted


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