Hey did you hear about the Walt Caballero pin


<font color=blue>Table-dancing auctioneer<br><font
Jul 15, 2001
Rumor has it that there is a Walt and the Three Caballeros pin coming out in April.

Okay Caballeros and Dom, I will make it my life's work to get you each that pin... No river will be too deep… No mountain too high.

I will swim though swamps, wrestle alligators, scale the tallest walls at the Seminole Indians bingo facilities, and ride the meanest mechanical bull at the super weird country western bar on orange blossom trail.

I will endure the six-hour drive through I-4 traffic; stand in the endless lines that will form at the Contemporary pin cart… Which by the way is the same place we hold the pin meet on Friday's at 7:00pm (another shameless plug) I will push and fight my way to the counter and purchase 6 sets of pins.

But Ed you ask, its an LE and its only you and Donna that's only 2 sets of pins you are allowed to get what will you do… what will you do indeed.

Easy I'm adopting 4 kids from the newly reformed island of pago pago. After the event it's off to reform school for the bunch.

Mark my words that pin will be yours.
I knew I could count on the fifth Caballero. Yes, we are going to have to let you in now, your first thought was of us.
I did read about it and was hoping you would be able to help us out.
And because you are going out of your way for me I am going to do something great for you. I am going to make sure I spend a ton of time on the cruise with you and Donna.
I can't wait, Dana is going to make sure to put Leslie and I near you, Donna, Kathryn and Gary. See, you can't get away form me.
See you in March make sure you are there on March 1 when Leslie and I invade the Contemporary meet. Peggie
Senor Raul Ed Boy,

Thank you for your pledge for the Three Caballeros pin! It is a real pick me up during a time that has been full of sorrow for me (I will explain later). Anyway, Peggie is right, we will be invading the Contemp meet on march 1, and I will see you at the Princess Ball as well!! :D

Oh, one more thing,
Don't you all just want ot slug Leslie sometime???? (Just joking you know)
she is going to Florida during the winter break and get to the Princess Ball. Then she will come home on Sunday and go back with me the following Friday.
I am sure she will go again during the spring break with her family, and then to the Cruise in May with me.
Summer means the kids are off and that means at least a trip a month to FL.
Raul, lives down there and he spends less time at the parks.
But she is having some major family problems right now and she does need to think of happy times. Her immediate family is in good health, but let's all say a prayer for her and especially Tim, her Santa Baby during their family crisis. I am thinking about you Leslie, keep your strength up. Peggie
We have been having some family health problems here, and got a lot of people to pray, and
it seems to be working..(fingers crossed)..so we are adding Leslie and her family to our
prayer chain...they are a good group...have pulled miracles for us before...

We kid them about being all occasion prayers...but it works..

Our thoughts are w/ you..

Donna & Raul

See you guys soon, hopefully..
How wonderful to have friends who remember you when you are far away, and unlike Leslie, not likely to show up again for quite a while. I miss you guys terribly.

Prayers for Leslie. Talk to you soon.
Im confused!!!:confused: :confused: :confused: When did I get promoted to a Caballero? Last I knew I was still .......and Dom. Not even a slow reduction in dots!!! Then this guy, that has never lived in CT, gets promoted because he buys us pin using adopted kids from the island of Pago Pago!!! Something fishy going on here!!!

Seriously Ed thanks for your efforts to get this pin which is obviously needed by those Caballeros (.......and Dom) that are stuck up here in CT.
How about we paint horns on Walt, and make it a Caballero Villian Pin???

What'cha think????


Now it is starting to sound like a pin that I would REALLY, REALLY NEED!! LOL
You haven't noticed. Major reduction in ........'s. when you first started out you had 10 ......'s Now you'r down to 4 in my logo.
I figure a few more pin events, and meets and you will make it into the gang.
But remember, you still won't get a gun. Peggie


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