Here Is A Way To Get Inexpensive FILM


Jul 8, 2000
I should have posted this long ago, but, I never occurred to me., an online drugstore is running a special 3 for $0.99. One of the items they have is 200 ASA speed store brand 35MM film. It is 3 rolls for $0.99 cents and the limit you can order is 9 rolls at a time. They also have 2-pack AA batteries for the same price. The link to the 3/$0.99 items is in the center of the home page,

Shipping is $3.95 per order or it is free if you order $30.00 or more of merchandise. They also have a $0.97 store, (look on the bar at the right-hand side of the screen), and the prices are really good. You can probably find things that you need to buy anyway to bring your order total up to the free shipping level.

I've ordered from them twice and have not had any problems with my order, billing or delivery. As far as I know, they are not affiliated with any rewards programs for points or stuff like that. But with prices like this, who needs points?!?! If you pair the film and battery price with for developing your film, you will really save alot.

Hope this helps someone, :cool:

Proud Survivor of the Space Mountain Morning-Mini Marathon and Splash Mountain Rapid Rampage
'00-PO/3-day Wonder
'02 - Magic 7 day/PO
2003-Family Reunion-Probably at Safari Logde
Did you know you can get AA batteries FREE at Target? Possibly at other stores who do 1 hour developing. They come out of disposable cameras. Most are not name brand, but they work!

My kids LOVE asking for batteries! We use them in our clocks, gameboy, remote, as my camera doesn't take them....:(

Last time we asked if they had any EXTRA batteries at the photo counter, the guy gave us a bag with over 50 batteries in it!


Learned so much thru the boards!!Thanks to all!

Caribbean Beach 8/2000
Disney Cruise 8/2000
Dixie Landings 8/2000
You learn something new every day! Will have to take a trip to Target to get some of those batteries for our Gameboys! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
Thanks for sharing about those free batteries. I'm going to try that!!


Proud Survivor of the Space Mountain Morning-Mini Marathon and Splash Mountain Rapid Rampage
'00-PO/3-day Wonder
'02 - Magic 7 day/PO
2003-Family Reunion-Probably at Safari Logde
Keep in mind that 200 speed film won't get you the best shots in many situations. Do your research before loading up on it because you'll probably want 400 or 800 for park action shots.
I used 200 ASA speed film for our last trip and got the best picts I had ever taken at WDW. Daytime, nighttime, action, still. Not one problem. Developed by Snapfish and everything as clear as a bell.


Proud Survivor of the Space Mountain Morning-Mini Marathon and Splash Mountain Rapid Rampage
'00-PO/3-day Wonder
'02 - Magic 7 day/PO
2003-Family Reunion-Probably at Safari Logde
Just FYI, you will not get free batteries at WAL*MART, we recycle them through Kodak.


Offsite - 88
CBR - 89 & 90
PO - 91
OKW-92,OKW-93,OKW-96, OKW-97 2X'S,OKW-98 2X's
OKW-99 2X'S,OKW-00 2X's OKW-01 1X
Jamaica-SandalsInn 98&00

We checked at several stores--they send their batteries in with the cameras. They didn't have any and thought we were crazy for asking.
to get the free batteries. I checked at my local Target and was told that they give the batteries from the disposable cameras back to the customer that brings in the camera. She looked at me kind of funny, like she had never heard that request before. But, it doesn't hurt to ask, and so I will check every time I go in. Thanks for the tip PTABarb!


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