Help planing vacation


Earning My Ears
Feb 4, 2002
We get to go to Bakersfield in July for 5 days to visit family. So we get to go to DisneyLand 1 day. (although I'm trying to talk dh into two days) Theres dh,ds 2yrs old,ds 6 yrs old and myself. What is a must for us to do? ,Easy on the budget food? Anything else we need to know?
Also 1 day at Morro Bay (? on spelling). Fun things to do here or on the trip from Bakersfield to here.
DisneyLand is the farthest from Bakersfield we'll have time to visit,but is there anything in close to Bakersfield to do ? Malls? Oulet Stores? ect
Any ideas on what to do the 4th ? SIL says they don't normaly go anywhere and that theres fireworks at a collage but its $15 to get in. After seeing fireworks for free my whole life I can't bring myself to Pay $15 to get in to see them.
Also we are driving from Missouri I-70 there and I-40 home.With a stop off at the Grand Canyon. Any other fun stuff to stop and see thats on the route?
1 day at Disneyland, must do easy budget food - I'd say for kids that age one character breakfast, one meal at River Belle Terrace, graze for the rest. Plan for a couple of hours touring, then an hour for meal, a couple more hours touring, an hour for meal... if you try to cram in too much without good rest breaks the kids just melt. Make extensive use of Fast Pass. Spend most of your time in Fantasyland some in Toon Town, Adventureland and Frontierland, with Tomorrowland added if you have time. Don't criss-cross the park - stay and do one complete land at a time.

Stick around the boards for a while, you will get lots of good ideas. :)

On your way east on 40, Hoover Dam will be out of your way, the kids wouldn't get much out of it at that age anyway. Around Kingman AZ you will want to veer off 40 onto Rt 66 until it meets up with 40 again between Seligman and Williams. :) Lots of fun things to see. Grand Canyon, Painted Desert, fun stuff. Enjoy!
Thanks :)

How can I find out more about character breakfasts ? Where? Prices? Do I need reservations?I've seen people talking about them but couldn't find anything on Disneys website.They Sure sound like fun though! ..Wonder who would have more fun me or the kids :)


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