Help me plan a budget trip


Jan 9, 2001
I just came back from my family's first ever WDW trip in August. :D It was an all-out, no expense spared kind of trip, since I figured we'd never be able to afford another trip like that again.

However.... Now I really want to go back again. I would like to plan a trip for the end of August 2002, and take my two sisters for a girl's Disney adventure.

Unfortunately, I can't afford a trip like the last one. :(

Can anyone help me figure out what an inexpensive, but fun trip would cost for three adults. Where can I get a good discount for that time-frame for an on-site hotel? Or at least one that is just outside the parks?

I need all the help I can get. Thank you in advance!

Check out the DIS discount page (there's a link on the home page) and also check There are already some resort discounts available for August but I think the cutoff date is about Aug. 24. I think there are a few Internet sites (like Travelocity) where you can book Disney resorts at discounted rates - but do your homework because payment and cancellation policies will vary. And remember - if you don't get the resort or the rate you want the first time you call, keep calling back to see if it has become available. People cancel all the time. Also, keep reading these boards - I have picked up countless tips here on how to save time and money and how to make the most of our trip. Good luck!:)
lolatuck, you are so funny! I was EXACTLY like you last year! I saved and planned for three years for April 2001 WDW trip. dh and I have been before a couple times, and dd's been, but this was the first trip with new ds! At the time my kids were dd 7 and ds 15 months. I saved a lot of money and said to the family, "SPEND WHATEVER YOU WANT!" And we did! The trip cost $7000 (CDN funds ~ the amt I will quote will all be in CDN). I figured that April 2001 trip would be the last for a while BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOO...when we got back, I started saving right away for April 2002 trip! This time I didn't what to spend too much. I was hoping to keep the budget around $5000. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOO...well, acutally, we are saving money. I am still spending $7000 but for a longer trip and a better trip. We are saving money thru seat sale on the flight, car rental code and CSR code from and we aren't eating the fancy meals like last time, only 4 char meals and lots of counter service and grocery shopping.
Disney Club-Discount for August 15% to 20% off Resorts Depending on the Resort you choose. Besides rooms,ticket discounts,food,rent a car, mechandise,and receation Discounts.
[$39.95,look for discounts through,your employer,Entertainment Book,]
Here is a link to see all the Benifits.

Check with AAA, for any ticket or room discounts.[Dc gives you a discount on joining AAA.]Check with your local AAA travel office

Annual Pass rates- you can check for these and reserve them before buying an AP[if you want to go back to Disney anytime in that year or you are stay 8 days or more,then consider a AP]
here is a link about ticket chooses keeps track of most all the Discount available for Disney stays.
here is a link.
My budget suggestion would be to rent points from DVC members-- check out the DVC rent/trade board on this site. We stayed at OKW last week for 110 dollars a night--(it was vacation week). Studio room included fridge, toaster, microwave. For the same week, I know people that spent 130 at All Stars without the amenities. Also try For our first night, we stayed at the Wyndham for a 48 dollar bid-- a four star hotel! Of course, if you factor in that we joined DVC last week as a result of staying at OKW, the trip becomes slightly more expensive! ;) Good luck!
Fiance and I just did a budget trip and I would recommend that if you want to save money, go during the "off time" to save money on your hotel. We got a room at All Star Movies for $61 per night with our AAA dicount and because we stayed onsite--we didn't have to rent a car, which saved $. Packed alot of power bars, dried fruit, etc. and ate mostly counter service. Good luck!
a rental car or other vehicle and if you are definitely not going to be spending a huge chunk of time in the room or lounging around at the resort especially but are just vacationing for getting the maximum time spent in touring the parks, I would highly reccommend an off-site trip for helping to trim down your savings.

With all the varied options of great roomy accomodations right next door and only a 5 minutes drive whether a suite, condo, villa, or regular room you are very likely to come across some great bargains even in August as well as pretty much year round. By having to not set aside a great deal for a place to sleep; your budget won't take much of a beating which allows for more money towards snacks, souvenirs, meals, etc./miscellaneous and can also increase the length of your vacation if desired.

I have found that magic exists off-site on numerous stays just because of the personal excitement, joy, and happiness that comes from being in my loved ones company first of all along with much added space in addition to experiencing some downtime after being in thick of crowds all day. Hope this helps some.
My sister, sister-in-law and I went a week ago. As far as food, we'd eat breakfast before going to the parks. We used counter service in the parks. We would buy one meal and three drinks. We'd split the food and split the cost. We decided that way, we wouldn't get "stuffed", could eat a lot of different foods and not waste anything. It worked great for us and we got to taste a lot of different foods that we wouldn't have otherwise have been able to try.
that includes two adults (23 and 40) and three kids (12,10,and 8) going to Orlando for 11 days (actually 12 if you count the train ride from Boston the day before), what do you suggest spending per day?


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