Hello all my super informative UK friends--Trip to Scotland/Ireland?


<font color=blue>DIS Earth Angel!<br><font color=0
Mar 19, 2001
Hi All,

I am looking for some info on planning a trip to Scotland/Ireland. Do any of you know of any sites similar to our wonderful DIS? (I know, I know, nothing is as good as the DIS ;) ).

I have made a decision, that the year I turn 40 (3 years from now), I am going to surprise my mom with a trip to Ireland/Scotland/England. Our ancestry is Irish/Scottish and she has never been, and is dying to go. My dad would be happy to never leave home (except to go on thier boat) so he will not go with her. I thought it would be a really nice mother/daughter type thing.

I'm already saving up, so this will probably be a no-holds-barred, once in a lifetime trip, so any and all advice is more than welcome!!!


PS--I do know that Ireland (Except Northern Ireland) is not considered the UK, but you are MUCH closer than I. ;) :D

Can't help with Scotland/Ireland as we are down in the South of England, but I am sure someone will be along shortly to help!

What a wonderful Mother/Daughter trip you are going to have :D

Hi, I live in Scotland, between Edinburgh and Glasgow. What do you want to know?
There are some lovely country house hotels with excellent restaurants about if its that kind of trip.
Or do you want to do the whisky trail? or the Tartan Trail? or shop? or history?
There are a few of us here that can give you some ideas.
Feel free to ask.
When are you planning on visiting Scotland and for how long? Are you planning on seeing the countryside or the cities or both?
We stayed in Northern Ireland once and visited the Giant's Causeway - spectacular even if it was cold, wet and windy!
Shirley--WOW!!! Talk about some reading. I've actually printed up quite a few pages to take home with me. We are getting socked with a lot of snow, and if we lose power, I will have plenty of reading.

Scotfan--No idea yet what we will be doing. Prolly not the whiskey trail, but definitely looking for history/ancestry. Shopping is always good too.

TT--I think we would like to focus mostly on the countryside with maybe just a day or two in cities.

Pegasus--Spectacular is definitely what I am looking for!!!!
Hi Debbie

Just to let you know that I live in Northern Ireland and if you have any questions or would like me to get any information for you I would be happy to help.

I don't know if you are planning to visit the North or just the South but I live in Bangor, a seaside town about 12 miles from Belfast.

I noticed that you mentioned you are having snow where you are at the moment - we don't get that very often here but make sure you pack your umbrellas for your trip....

Please don't hesitate to ask for any information

there are so many different places you can visit, but a couple worth mentioning near me are the Lake District - particularly if you like spectacular country side and tea shops.
and York, which is well worth a visit - it's probably one of the oldest citys in the UK and still has it's original city wall standing - it's like going back in time walking through there.

The Irish Tourist Board is 'Bord Fáilte' and the web address is
I live in Southern Ireland (a few minutes from Blarney Castle!). Again, I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Hi Debbie, I live in Belfast. Any questions fire away i'll do my best to help, you'll love the North...lol..The Antrim coast and the Giant's Causeway are a must ;) if you looking up your ancestry The Linen Hall Library is a good start - Located near City Hall, this facility was established in 1788 to improve the mind and excite a spirit of general inquiry. Includes an important Irish collection of over 20,000 volumes, with a Robert Burns collection. Archive material can be viewed by appointment.






If you need any help just send me PM......have fun lol

jj........ ;)
Hmm Debbie,

If you're in Scotland and looking to shop then you'd better do that in Glasgow. Lots and lots of things to do here and less touristy than Edinburgh! Call me biased but I am convinced that Glasgow has some of the best shopping in the UK (and I've been to London several times!) Also has the tallest cinema complex in the world. But these are all things you can do at home,.. there are plenty of historical beautiful buildings. Glasgow and Edinburgh are very different and personally I think Glasgow is more cosmopolitan and less of a European city.

If there's anything you'd like to know about Glasgow and the west coast of scotland, ask away and I'll try to help!

John :bounce:
Wow--You all are brilliant!!

Thanks so much for all the links/info. Rest assured, I will be back periodically to bother you with lots of questions.

Thanks so much everyone.

We went to Tummel Valley, Pitlochry in Perthshire which was beautiful - the most spectacular scenery I've ever come across - you have Queens View - an amazing view right over Loch Tummell, excellent walking country - a fantastic castle called Blair Castle - Highland Games were on the day we went there (with several other castles within an easy drive) and you are not too far away from Edinburgh. We also went up to Loch Ness while we were there - quite a drive but we stayed overnight at a super little hotel up there - very reasonable prices, excellent restaurant and lovely pine clad large rooms. If you're interested I'll try and find out the name.

There is a decent website - www.aboutscotland.com you might like to try. Haven't come across any like DIS though(ARE there any others like DIS???)



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