Helicopter view of closed Disneyland

Wow, @jcb - thanx for posting that! It made me "geek out" with excitement, like he did, but it also made me really sad, at the same time. It also reminded me - yet again - how very deeply I miss California - and have, for the last 30+ years.
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I would love the opportunity to go in and take pictures or video of WDW empty. (With permission, of course!) As sad as it is that this empire of business is currently closed (and thus tens of thousands are out of jobs), there is no denying that some amazing work has gone into those parks, and seeing it without people would be fascinating.
The Anaheim Amtrak station is on the right side of the screen at about 6:46. Yes you can walk to Angel Stadium from the train station. Back up to 6:30 to see Honda Center (Anaheim Ducks) on the far right.
The Anaheim Amtrak station is on the right side of the screen at about 6:46. Yes you can walk to Angel Stadium from the train station. Back up to 6:30 to see Honda Center (Anaheim Ducks) on the far right.
@jlmarr - Thanx for the additional reference points! When I was stationed at Terminal Island, Naval Station, Long Beach, we got into all the Angels games for free, provided we showed up in uniform, to help carry a GIANT American flag onto the field for opening. And several times a year, DL would close down early for Military Nights - I want to say they let us in for free, but it's been so long I honestly don't remember. GREAT memories, in both cases!!
Thanks for posting. Shared this with some family and friends. I am missing good ol DL.


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