Have friend new FL resident, can she buy us resident passes?


May 17, 2002
Not wanting to start a hailstorm of "how could you even think it?",
But she says she thinks that now that she's a resident, and if she's going with us, she can get us passes that are only available to Florida residents.

My thoughts are:

1) that would be nice, but I'm sure it does not work that way, they probably have ways to catch you

2) I would be afraid of being caught, and turned away

3) Morally, I would be at a dilemna, It's not like I'd be climbing a fence and sneaking in free, but then again, I'd be gaining a significant discount that really is not mine.

What do you think?
It's really moot, since she can't buy you Florida resident passes. You'll be asked for proof of FL residency when you try to use the pass for the first time, and she'll be asked for proof of Florida residency for every pass she purchases.

Now, I'm sure there are ways around this, just as there are ways around any policy, rule, law or "special offer." Whether or not you and your friend decide to try and find the loopholes is entirely your call. Personally ... I'd rather be safe than sorry. You could end up putting out the money for a Florida resident pass, find out it's invalid, and then end up paying for a regular pass anyway. Just pay what you should pay and enjoy yourself.

Florida Resident tickets are only available to actual Florida Residents and can not be purchased for out of state family or friends.

Here is a link to more information on the requirments to purchase and use a Florida Resident's Pass:

Florida Resident Pass


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