Have been having great luck with AAA site

Doctor P

<font color=navy><font color=navy>Chocolate covere
Jan 24, 2000
I have been using the AAA member's internet travel reservations site lately and have been having really good luck. I have gotten great car rental and hotel rates (car rental in Tampa, hotel in Chicago) that beat any of the other rates I could get (including the other onlines including the companies themselves, Travelocity, Expedia, etc. as well as calling directly). Hadn't heard anybody else talking about this so I thought I would call AAA members attention to it (I think the site is also available to nonmembers but there are some reservation fees/different rates involved)

Thanks for this suggestion...I hadn't thought of it and am having a lousy time finding a decent rental car price for a 4 1/2 day stay!! I can't see spending $200 for a car big enough for golf clubs, DH and DS!! Even Priceline is a bust. So, that will be my next stop!! :rolleyes:


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