Has anyone had winning bids for April 2001 on priceline or expedia?


Earning My Ears
Feb 18, 2000
I would sure appreciate any information on winning bids thru priceline or expedia for April 2001. We had the best vacation last year via priceline-air,hotel,and car rental. Last year around this time this board was burning up with priceline info--just hoping to benefit from other's experiences or advice. Thanks.
I managed to book a fortnight over Easter at The Rosen Centre in I-Drive. I got this through Priceline. The total cost for 2 weeks was actually less than the cost for 2 nights if I'd booked through the hotel website. :) :) :)
Good luck

Disneyland Paris Halloween 1999 & Christmas 2000
Off site Easter 2000 & Easter 2001
There are several Priceline winning bids for April dates posted at the board I host at http://pub4.ezboard.com/bpricelineandexpediabidding We don't see any bidding activity for Orlando hotels at all anymore through Expedia's Hotel Price Matcher because they misrate a 3* hotel as a 4* hotel, so you just need to know that going into it if you try Expedia's Hotel Price Matcher. They likely misrate at other levels as well, because their entire hotel database includes misratings in nearly every city throughout the country. In fact, we no longer give bidding strategies for Expedia's Hotel Price Matcher because there is too great a chance of disappointment. Expedia is aware of the misratings and has chosen to do nothing about them.

I believe it was actually February last year when there Priceline discussion here became really popular, because it was about February 2nd that the $25/night free bonus money came out.
TravelSheryl-Wow-I can't believe I am actually communicating with you-what a privilege! I have read posts on your boards frequently and do very much appreciate your hard work and helpful information. You're right...I see I joined this board on Feb. 18th last year to excitedly report my winning bid. I guess I'm just jumping the gun to make travel arrangements this year. I think it has something to do with our record snowfall for December....hmmm. Anyway, I'm in the "trying to decide where to go" stage and just researching like crazy. Thanks for everything!
Hey, LoriPooh, I'm just a regular person like everyone else. :) I stayed away from here for a while after getting an unsolicited very nasty email from one of the members of this board, and then another extremely nasty email from a different member in response to an email I sent her asking that she keep her personal views about me to herself or to direct them towards the moderators.

Thanks so much everyone for your supportive comments. It's difficult enough to deal with negativity at something you're getting paid to do. When you do it strictly on a voluntary no compensation whatsoever basis as I do, it hurts.
Not sure this will help, but, I did take the Priceline plunge (groan gasp) for my trip in Feb.
Managed a "standard" car from Alamo for 15.00 a day, the final with taxes and their service charge was about 145.00 for the week.


Offsite - 88
CBR - 89 & 90
PO - 91
OKW-92,OKW-93,OKW-96, OKW-97 2X'S,OKW-98 2X's
OKW-99 2X'S,OKW-00 2X's
Jamaica-SandalsInn 98&00

Hi Lori,
My daughter put in a bid for the end of April (4/20-4/30) and it was accepted for $40. I don't know if this is good, but compared to the $104 I was given for All Star Music, we were happy. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> :D We will be staying at the Ramada Plaza Hotel - Inn Gateway, one mile from the entrance to WDW. The information I have seen on the hotel's website looks wonderful and we are looking forward to staying there.



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