Has anyone ever purchased travel insurance?


DIS Veteran
Aug 23, 1999
Call me crazy, but I have this insane feeling that something will happen during our trip in September. Namely, I'm feeling a relative will pass away and we will have to come home early. Has anyone purchased travel insurance? From who? How does it work?

I am interested in the answer to this one to so I am bumping it up.

8-2001 ASMo
We would never make reservations for a trip like this without trip cancellation/interuption insurance. We are going down from April 27 to May 8, and purchased insurance through our travel agent. Cost is based on total price of your trip (airfares, hotel, car, etc...). For our 12 day trip cost for 4 of us is $240 (CDN$). This is quite a bit higher than our Oct 99 trip, but is still well worth the price (for the peace of mind).

Depending on your credit card, you may also be able to purchase through them (ie: Visa Gold)
I am very negative about travel insurance and I will tell you why. I do all the travel arrangements for my Dad who travels frequently, usually out of the US. He has spent thousands of dollars on travel insurance. The one time he needed it, the company did everything they could to weasel out of paying. It was not a sickness or death, but he missed two days of vacation due to the airline. This was supposed to be covered but they came up with some bogus reason it was not. Just make sure you know exactly what you are covered for and what the exceptions are. You will find they are very vague when selling it to you but extremely detailed when they tell you why they cannot pay out. Sorry for the negativity, but I have seen this time and time again and I hate to see people throw away a lot of money. The airlines will usually work with you if you have to get home because of sickness or death, and the hotel may even give you a credit for days not used.
Hi - I NEVER travel without trip insurance. I have always used Travelgaurd (www.noelgroup.com). I have had to submit two different claims to them and both times the claims were paid in full without any problems - one was due to our sick daughter and the other because my father in law had a serious accident 2 days before we were suppose to leave. Travelgaurd use to cover children for free. That changed March 1st. They also raised their rates. I am going to try a different place this time www.travelinsure.com. I did check the BBB and they check out. Their rates seem very good. Since I haven't actually used them myself, I can't really say if they will be a pain to deal with. Hope this helps a little!
I am spending over $6000.00 Canadian Funds for our WDW trip next month and I definately purchased insurance. The only insurance we don't buy is the rental car insurance because our auto insurance policy covers rental cars. A HUGE $$$$ SAVINGS! We are hubby 41 yo, me 36 yo, dd 7 yo and ds is 1 yo. Baby is covered under me and we bought a family package thru TA. It cost (with taxes) $275.00 CDN ($180.00 USF) for the whole gang. EVERYTHING IS COVERED! Our daughter has a pre-existing severe medical condition and is on medication. But the meds and condition haven't changed in a couple years so the premium isn't affected. Due to dd's medical condition, we got HEAVY med coverage. I was worried about chicken pox season, so we got HEAVY cancellation too. FUNNY THING IS, THE KIDS HAVE THE CHICKEN POX NOW! LOL! So I feel a bit better! DH has NEVER has the pox, so I except he'll get them next week! GOOD LUCK! I think the peace of mind of having insurance is worth the cost. I used to work for an insurance company and we paid out claims all the time.

SandraC, visit our Disney family web site www.angelfire.com/on/disneyfun
1975 - off site (11 years old),
1977 - off site (13 years old),
1987 - Indian Rock Shores (23 years old with hubby, b/f at the time),
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach (26 years old, with hubby, six month after wedding),
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 mo
I got sick at Disney 5 years ago, M.D. delayed my trip home.My family and I were forced to extend our stay which resulted in added $ of airfare, hotel room, and extra meals. Our insurance paid for everything without a problem. I hate paying for it but it sure was great to have when I needed it. I always get it now.
We purchased Travelguard for our trip this summer. A friend recommended the insurance. We bought it over the phone. They have a website and it gives an 800 #. I think we paid about 100 for 3000 in coverage. It covers everything from trip cancellation, medical, to luggage. I have heard that his company is very reliable.
We puchase travel insurance for every trip to Disney. We purchase our packages directly through Disney, by the way, and it is Disney's travel insurance. It only cost us approx. $59 and is supposed to cover cancellations and airline trouble as well. I don't know if it's a good thing to do or not, but my parents went on a cruise in January where their flight was delayed 5 hours and they just barely made it to the cruise ship, but their luggage did NOT. It didn't show up until the day before they were coming home! The airline gave them nothing because they did't have trip insurance. The cruise line gave them each $50, which doesn't go very far when you have nothing!

[This message was edited by MiLenTrush on 03-18-01 at 08:56 AM.]


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