Hard Rock Hotel


Earning My Ears
Nov 9, 2000
Okay everybody. Help again. Before going to Portofino Bay Hotel last year, I was told which building was the best to stay in -- regarding being close to the pool and boat launch. Now we are going to Hard Rock Hotel for Easter, which is the best building/room area to request. Of course, I reserved the cheapest room and am hoping to upgrade with Loews First, but if I can ask for a specific building like I did with Portofino (West Wing) this would be great. Come on guys/gals help me out!


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
I'm trying to get unanswered questions bumped to the top before they disappear into page 2 oblivion.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
I haven't stayed at HRH yet. But when I booked the room for our trip next week, I asked the reservationist the same question. She told me the pool view rooms would more likely give us a view of the park. I later wondered if the Deluxe room may include a pool view. Thats all I know for now. Sorry not much help.



I followed the advice of another, and it bore out. Before I answer, let me say I reserved a Pool View, AND asked for an upgrade. They stuck me in THE WORST gardenview they had. Exhaust vents and bus stop was my view. I am not exaggerating. Under another topic with 34+ posts, you can see my rant. And, they told me they had no upgrades available, and kicked me out for 1/2 day before I finally got a pool view. I was told by one employee they were at 75% capacity, so every time I was told at the front desk they had no rooms, you can bet my blood boiled. Long story short: if you dont get what you want do this: MARCH. Dont walk, dont say "tomorrow is ok" cuz they will screw you. MARCH to the Front Desk, and tell them exactly what you expect. If they give you any b.s. SPEAK VERY LOUDLY about your dissatisfaction, and use this word: "MANAGER." If they say he is not around, say "CALL HIM, I'll WAIT RIGHT HERE." That is the ONLY WAY to get them to do things properly. Like I said, they screwed me, for no particular reason. Note: Henrik and Grace were pretty cool. Of course, I only saw them a couple times, and maybe they aren't, but they were ok with me.
So, here is the answer. 5th floor or above, Pool View. I finally got 5126. It was nearly center, with full view of all pool area, Universal enterance, Islands of america's Fear Fall Tower, and the hulk and drangons coasters at in the distance. It was a FANTASTIC view. From what I could see, ANY pool view is great, but the higher up, the better, and I doubt 4th floor could see the pool from above the palms.
Good luck!
- jason
by the way, with the Entertainment discount book, assuming you have one, rates are around? 117 and 130 for garden and pool. Deluxe is 150. If they have any, you should just get the pool for the few extra bucks. Or deluxe (500 sq/ft instead of 375 sq foot) and then maybe get a free upgrade from there.
anywhere else, it is about 20 more for pool. Well worth it for the 50% garuntee that you'll actuall GET the pool view you've paid for!
(note my experience based sarcasm :-)
- j
Well thank you all so much for your expressive replies. Believe me, you have met your match when it comes to knowing how to deal with someone or something when I do not get my way. I am a Southern Belle and know how to say Manager and don't send some pimple nose teenager that wants to act like and manager for the day. I have worked for a corporation that offers customer service for 20 years and know how to get what I want. Thanks for the specific reply. Were you in one specific building (like East/West)?
the HRH is only one building. It is like a very long x. >-------< but more like a smile. Thats as close as I can describe it. Dont take a garden view. There truly are some nice garden areas, probably best when viewd from the 2 or 3rd floor, but all the streets are viewd from this side so you really might get screwed. The pool side faces the very large and stunning pool area, as well as both parks. It is amazing - night and day vs. the garden side.
Feel Free to offer a training video 'cuz i could use it. I think maybe because I was polite, they took advantage. I should have started yelling, i guess.


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