Hard Rock Hotel Rooms


Earning My Ears
Mar 27, 2001
Planning a trip to Hard Rock Hotel in October. What is the difference between the Garden View and Pool View (besides the obvious)? Is one substantially nicer? quieter? more convenient?

Expedia has 4 nights for 2 people including airfare for $1069 (Garden) and $1158 (Pool). Is that a good value? Hard Rock Club is $1495.20 - is it worth the extra money?

Would appreciate any trip advice you can offer. Thanks!
The pool view rooms face inward towards the pool. The garden views mostly face towards the garden, the garden path, and parts of the river.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

What to know how to get to the front of the line at Universal Orlando? Click HERE!
These same rooms are available for under $150 a night with the entertainment book rate. Check out the website at www.entertainment.com. Most people at this site have been using this discount with great success!

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