Hard Rock Cafe - April

Glory Days

Jun 26, 2000
We'll be at the HRH and wanted to make ressies at the HRCafe the Sunday before Easter. I was told they didn't have PS. I just received my Hard Rock Cafe all access card. Will this act like PS even down there? I'm sure this is a crowded time of the year.
Also, this is my first Universal/IOA trip. Does anyone know if the HRCafe is by the parks or the HRH?
Thanks, can't wait!!!!! :)
The HRC is in CityWalk right between the entrances to the parks. I haven't been to the HRH yet, but from what I have read, it is easily within walking distance from the parks. There is also a water taxi service to the hotel.

We made PS arrangements for HRC on their website, but you can only do it 30 days ahead.

I also got the HRC All-Access card and it looks like it works for PS within 15 minutes, so you might not even need to do anything else. If you are going at a particularly crowded time (like spring break) I think I would still try to do the arranged PS so you're covered either way.


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