Handi Cabins at Ft Wilderness


HH Pin Crazy Pooh Fan
Mar 14, 2000
You will love the new at Fort Wilderness. :p :p They are just beautiful. I will have picture soon. They no longer have 2 tvs in the cabins but the one in the living room area has a VCR so you can bring your videos to watch. I have no trouble getting my power chair through.
Tomorrow I take the BAckstage Magic Tour with my husband. :earsgirl: :earsboy: I can't wait.
Welcome at Trails End last night was great. Like old home week. Tonight was Hoop Dee Doo and that was great too. Some of the cast is changed and they have some new songs and a few new jokes. :)
Did have the castmember at Pooh try to tell me that my wheelchair was an ECV but with the GAC no problem.
happy to hear from you.
The cabins sound neat.
Excellent! That is so good to know!!!! Another good option - it just keeps getting better and better! :)


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