Halloween? The best place for....

Villain Dude

Smile, it's best curve we have
Sep 30, 2000
Can someone help? I'm going during Halloween and want to have dinner at the MK halloween evening.
We are going to attend MNSSHP and want to stay in the park until the event begins (don't want to wait in the lines again). I read somewhere that the Liberty Tavern has character dinner and the characters dress in Halloween costumes that night.
Can anyone confirm this? Does anyone have any good tips for that evening? Thanks for the help!

Chuck :D

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We went to the MNSSHP last year and had a great time. We had a 5:30 p.m. PS at Crystal Palace. I do believe the characters at Liberty Tree are in costume, but I didn't make my ressies far enough in advance. Be sure to book 60 days in advance because the reservations do fill up fast.

We were able to get our wrists bands for the party in the circle in front of the castle shortly before we went to our 5:30 p.m. ressie. Then we didn't have to leave the park and stand in line with the crowds getting in at the 7 p.m. opening time. I'm not sure how early they started letting guests in before the stated opening since we were already inside.

Other hints:

*If you have the luxury of scheduling a rest day in your itinerary, make it the same day as MNSSHP. Then, you'll be ready to enjoy the evening's festivities. At least take an afternoon break, if you can't afford to miss any park time during the day, especially with kids. My 5-year-old fell asleep in the stroller about 9:30 p.m. even with taking a mid-day break.

*The late parade is far less crowded than the first one on the schedule.

*Skip the photo and treat stations at the front of the park if the lines are long. There are more stations deeper in the park with shorter lines if you are there early.

*If it's attractions you are interested in, go directly to your favorites first thing. We rode Space Mountain three times with no waiting early in the evening.

*In addition to the listed trick-or-treat stations, many CMs on the street have treats. If you see a CM with a bag, say "trick or treat." The kids got cool stuff from the wandering CMs.

*Costumes are not mandatory, but they sure are fun! Just be sure you can get in and out of the attractions without difficulty.

Here's the schedule of special events for MNSSHP from 2000 for your reference:

MNSSHP Parade: 8:30 and 10:30 p.m.

Boo-To-You Kids Parades: 7:30, 9:30, 10:15 pm

Fireworks: 9:15 pm

Every Day's a Holiday Musical Review: 7:30, 9:20 and 11 pm

Diamond Horseshoe Saloon Halloween Revue: 7:30, 8:30, 9:20, 10:15 and 11:05 pm

'72, '76, '85 offsite
Thanksgiving 1999 Contemporary
Labor Day 2000 All Star Sports
Sept. 2000 MOWC
Halloween 2000 Premier Homes
August 2001 Premier Homes
Thanksgiving 2001 Hard Rock & Holiday Inn Family Suites
Thanks CDisney :)
Does anybody else have anything to add?

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