Halloween Horror Nights

DW mouser

DIS Veteran
Feb 3, 2000
I read the post on Halloween Horror Nights, but I didn't see any dates for when this starts. Is it just for that half week of halloween? Halloween is on a Wed. this year and I'm trying to set up our dates to include one night of this. Is it for more then 1 night? Also, what is the cost of the ticket? Has anyone been to the parade of the dead where they throw beads? My grandson would love this since we aren't able to go for MG in Feb. Thanks! :)
Halloween Horror Nights generally runs for about 15 nights. It is usually on every Friday and Saturday Night (7pm-2am) and some weekdays icluding the entire week before Halloween (7pm-12am). Tickets are usually about the same price as a regular day admission but discounts are available for FL residents and people who attended USF or IOA during the day. The parade is similar to the Mardi Gras parade, only with a dark and sinister theme! They usually throw beads, coins, and candy.

Have Fun,
Thanks for the info! The week before halloween meaning this year the 22 to halloween the 31st? I'd really rather go on a weeknight as it probably wouldn't be so crowded.

[This message was edited by DW mouser on 02-12-01 at 12:57 PM.]
I would expect it to be the 22nd to the 31st. Weeknights are generally less crowded, although they are open two hours less. If you only have days that week to choose from, definatly go a weekday. The weekend before Halloween almost ALWAYS sells out, and believe me it is packed. We went several days last year including Saturday the 28th, and the crowds were unbelievable.

Hi DW Mouser, this is from last year but it had a few pictures and the dates. probably the dates dont change much.Halloween Horror Nights

That was a good site. I'll copy it off for my kids. My grandson will love it. When I call for ressies I'll ask if they know the dates for sure yet.


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