Had To Call Loews

DW mouser

DIS Veteran
Feb 3, 2000
I had joined Loews on the net and had never received my membership kit. I had read a post on here stating that they had had some trouble not getting their membership so I finally got around to calling and the girl said, "Well it can take up to 6 weeks." I asked her to check, just in case and sure enough, they had no record of my sign up!! I had already made my ressies at HRH. Should I call baxck and give them my Loews membership nunber?


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Your instincts are correct. Do contact Loews directly to have them add the number to your reservation, especially if you are likely to embark on your vacation before the card arrives. I also suggest you advise them of your amenity preference. Have your information available at check in so there will be no doubt as to your status. You may be so fortunate as to procure a free upgrade.

In any case, have a wonderful time.
My card didnt arrive before my trip and I called numerous times to make sure my # was added to my reservation. Make sure you write it down and take it with you. When we checked in it was not added to my reservation. No problem though they added it and we got an upgrade and the other perks as well. :D



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