Grocery stop with Tiffany Town Car


Earning My Ears
Aug 9, 2000
I am planning on using this service to get to and from the airport. We would like to make the allowed "grocery stop" and I have a couple of questions for anyone that has used their service. Is the store conveniently located along the drive or out of the way? We want to have a disposable cooler in our room and hope to buy it during this stop so we don't have to bring it on the plane. Do they stop at the type of store that would have one in stock? Thanks for your suggestions!
The grocery stop we used with Tiffany in May was convenient but very expensive. I'm from Boston where the price of everything is high but I about died when I saw the prices of items, they were about double what I would pay at home. I ended up buying a little less than I had originally wanted and was glad that I had brought some snacks from home. When we checked into ASMo and went into the resort shop, we found some of these convenience items here for less money, like chips, oj and milk. Now if resort prices are less than grocery store prices, something is wrong!

The Tiffany driver said the prices were a little bit higher at this store than at other stores but not by much. I was skeptical of this statement after I came out, unless all the grocery stores in the tourist areas are high.
We went in October and our driver took us to a grocery store. I forget the name now but it is a big one on the same street as Seaworld. I think it took about 10 minutes to get there but it had everything and the prices were fine. They sold everything including Liquor, coolers, beach stuff and food. Just ask the driver which one he is taking you to and suggest not to go to the expensive one!!

You can request that they stop at a grocery store that you choose when you make your reservations or you can call them before you get there and ask. I read on the boards before we went that Gooodings was expensive, so I requested Publix. The prices there were very good and they had everything, including wine, wine coolers and beer Next time, I'm going to see if we can go to a Super-Walmart. Esp. if I want to buy tickets there with discounted gift cards. ;)

Hope this helps,

Proud Survivor of the Space Mountain Morning-Mini Marathon and Splash Mountain Rapid Rampage
'00-PO/3-day Wonder
'02 - Magic 7 day/PO
2003-Family Reunion-Probably at Safari Logde
A word of warning: call before you leave and make absolutely sure that you will be getting the grocery stop. I had requested it for my trip in December, and when we were picked up at MCO, I was told by the driver (after checking with his supervisor)that he did not have enough time and would not be able to stop. Not a real fun way to start our trip! btw, the stores usually offered for the stop are Goodings (expensive) and Publix and I think also Albertsons is now, as well.
What do you do with your stuff if you arrive before check-in? With suitcases they will hold them for you, right? What about grocery store bags full of chips and beer??

I'm still waiting for the DIS convention prices. Just wait until DH hears about Tiffany Town Car!



The resorts at WDW will hold all of your belongings (including groceries) until your room is ready. I have even heard that they will refrigerate things that need refrigerated.
Hope that this helps! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
I did go to Publix I think with Tiff. It was only like 10 min away. Right by Sea World. The hotels do take care of your groceries. And as far as refrigerating, they will do that as well just ask, we did at both the BC and the Cont.


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