Grocery delivery


Earning My Ears
Feb 14, 2001
We will be going to WDW in the near future and staying at the Wilderness campgrounds. Are there any grocery stores that will deliver (the essentials, milk, juice...)there or to the cabins?
Are they reasonably priced? How is the service? How long in advance do you have to let them know?
Any help would be greatly appreciated !!
I don't know of any that deliver except for the Gourmet Pantry at Downtown Disney and I have never used them. There are 2 convenience stores in the campground that you can go to get things like milk but they are expensive. If you have a car you can stop at the local Publix which has reasonable prices (535 and 192) or go to Goodings across from the Downtown Disney area. Goodings is fairly expensive.

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately we won't have a car. Wondering if it is worth it to go the convenience stores. Should I try to pack breakfast things? Should we just bite the bullet and eat at WDW??

Take an extra suitcase and pack some snacks in it. Poptarts, juice boxes, english muffins (if you'll have a toaster, bread, peanut butter and jelly, etc. Then, you can use the extra suitcase on the way home for souveneirs or to keep your clean and dirty clothes separate!


CBR Jan 2000
Next Trip Jan 2002 Where to stay?
The Trading Posts have many (if not all) of the groceries you will need - but they are expensive (convenience-store priced). They have frozen burgers and steaks, bread, dairy products, hot dogs, pastries, bacon, eggs, etc, etc.

They also sell refillable mugs at the Trail's End Buffet - they are $8.95 - and you can get free refills for life (or the life of the mug! LOL!) with pop, coffee, hot chocolate and tea.

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator


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