Great story about the Indiana Jones ride


Earning My Ears
Jun 19, 2000
They tell you about some of the affects that did not last. I remember the ice machine that made it look like lava as you crossed the bridge. They said the rat thing never worked but I remember seeing it last November. I can still remember the line (the first week it opened) going all the way down Adventureland and going down Frontierland. The wait said 4 hours. Good thing we got on early.

Here is the story


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Great article, Steve. I can't wait to go back--Indiana Jones is my favorite ride at Disneyland!

It's weird, I remember the rat thing, too. I'll have to watch for it in June! ;)

<font face="cac one seventy"><font color="green">"...always let your conscience be your guide."
<font face="cac one seventy"><font color="blue">
WDW: 2000
Disneyland: 1981, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001

2 months after it opened we were there and the lines were 3 hours long maybe longer at that time. Lucky for us we got on the ride early that morning prior to the park opening.

The article was great.



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Doesn’t the line still get long enough to go down part of Adventurland?


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WDW 2001 Yacht Club
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<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=navy>Um, ever since they started Fastpass, I haven't seen the line that long.

I remember when it snaked out of Adventureland, to Main Street, entered through Frontierland, zigzagged a little, went back over through Main Street, and back through Adventureland, and then you got to wind through the line by the attraction, then the line inside the temple - it was 4 hours long. I didn't wait in it, though. I waited until it got all the way down to two hours. ;)

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

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