Grateful, Thankful, Blessed: our 25th Anniversary SeaWorld Celebration (Spring ’18 TR)

I'm seriously considering the Penguins or the Sea Lion tour for our October trip. Especially now that we have the photo key.....gotta maximize that value, right? :teeth:

Have you done either or both of those tours, Joanna? I'd love your feedback on which one you liked the most.

I've done the Sea Lion tour twice, and it's fun! I do want to do the penguin tour though (I know people who did the tour, and loved it). Just be aware with the penguin tour, there is no photographer there
Sunday, May 6th: SeaWorld, continued

While @JaxDad knew what Steve and I both looked like (after following along on many, many previous trip reports here on the Dis), the same was not true in reverse……so he did a great job at giving us some physical descriptions of himself and his two kiddos to help us spot them among the other SeaWorld guests in the park that day. The Waterfront was our meeting point, so Steve and I wasted no time in hustling ourselves across the long wooden bridge for our eagerly-anticipated meet up.

It turns out that @JaxDad actually spotted us before we saw him……one of the benefits of Steve’s size is that he’s hard to miss, even in a busy theme park :rotfl2:. A round of greetings ensued on both sides, with a flurry of hellos and handshakes and hugs :goodvibes.


You know what’s so wonderful about the Dismeets that we have enjoyed over the course of the last several years? They’ve all been so “easy” …. no awkward or uncomfortable silences, no desperate moments of trying to come up with something to talk about, and no weirdness whatsoever. I can freely admit that poor Steve dreaded the first few meets that I arranged (and considering that the Disboards was my “thing” and not his, I can totally understand that he had reservations about meeting up with strangers I’d met on the internet ::yes::), but now looks forward to them as much as I do. We have been blessed to make the acquaintance of so many awesome and interesting people during our Orlando getaways that he now enjoys these opportunities and even looks forward to them. In fact, it’s become a bit of a running joke in our household……every time we officially set the date for our next adventure, he always asks me…..”So, who will we be meeting up with on THIS trip?”.

He’s a keeper, my Steve :goodvibes.

We chit-chatted and shot the breeze for a good amount of time (@JaxDad’s son and daughter are just as friendly and lovely as he is, and we loved hearing about their long weekend adventures at the parks prior to our meet-up), but eventually it was time for them to hit the rest of their must-do’s before they began their trek back to Jacksonville later that afternoon. After bidding them goodbye and wishing them a safe journey home, we opted to head over to the Dolphin Nursery to see if we could catch a glimpse of our friend T, who we knew was working at SeaWorld that day.

Our timing, as it turned out, was impeccable. Shortly after we found a good viewing spot along the side of the nursery pool, the animal care team [of which T is a part] arrived with buckets of fish in hand….much to the delight of some very spirited young dolphins and their mommas.


If there was ever a “perfect job” in this world, I swear that this would be it ::yes::. While I have no doubt that this career comes with it’s own bucketload of frustrations, irritations and disappointments (though those are likely more people-related than animal-related), I cannot imagine how wonderful it must be to work with these amazing creatures on a day to day basis. We could hardly tear our eyes away from those young dolphins and the carefully-chosen senior dolphins [a mix of mothers and “aunts”] who have been called upon to teach those babies how to do all the things adult dolphins will need to do. Their mimicry is incredible, and their innocent playfulness is enough to soften even the hardest heart. It doesn’t take long for a park guest to notice just how incredibly SMART they are, either…..and with all the positive reinforcement and love they receive from the care staff, they are happy to show just how much they know.


We seriously could have stayed in that spot, for the rest of the day, and watch those beautiful creatures swim :love:. Eventually, however, the care team wrapped up their time with their young “students”, the fish buckets were emptied, and T had to move on to the other tasks of her workday. We stayed a bit longer to enjoy the playful frolicking that continued in the dolphin nursery, then finally decided to address the rumblings that were making themselves known in our stomachs. Our big breakfast at Steak & Shake had finally wore off, and we were in need of some sustenance to carry us through the rest of the day.

SeaFire Grill was super close by, so we decided to just go there for lunch. We were both super thirsty, so as long as they had cold beverages at the ready, we’d be a happy pair. We perused their menu, and Steve opted for their “famous” fajitas, while I chose the chicken tenders platter.


We had the staff refill our SeaWorld souvenir cup (purchased on a previous trip) with cold water and ice, and Steve picked up a piece of chocolate cake (one of his SeaWorld favorites) for dessert. Total cost, with passmember discount: $27.67 (I thought that was awesome!!).

Everything was really good. The chicken tenders at SeaWorld are ALWAYS a win (whatever brand they use is great…..big, meaty pieces that are deliciously seasoned and always moist and juicy) and the portion was more than enough for an adult. Steve enjoyed every last bite of his fajitas (he was even more famished than I thought) and wasted no time in digging into his beloved cake…..though he graciously offered me a bite of the latter :).

Just after we had brought our tray to the table, we received a text from T asking if we would still be at the park by late afternoon. We didn’t really have any firm plans either way, so we replied that sure, we could be. She told us to meet her at Dolphin Cove at 3:45, so we made a mental note of the time and promised we’d see her later on. We had hoped maybe we’d get the chance to see her interacting with the dolphins again during this trip (it is SO fun to watch!), and this sounded like it would be just that exact opportunity :woohoo:.

It was super quiet in SeaFire, so we didn’t feel guilty about lingering a while after our lunch was consumed…..there were plenty of open tables so we weren’t holding up any other dining patrons. We made a conscious effort to drink LOTS of water throughout the day, and this mid-day sit-down was the perfect opportunity to rehydrate. After my migraine the day before, we didn’t want any avoidable circumstances playing a negative role in the balance of our vacation time.

Once our meals had settled a bit, we decided to continue meandering through the park. Crowds were still crazy quiet, even at that busiest mid-day point, and we soaked up the peaceful serenity of the leisurely day.


Our stroll took us past Sea Lion theater, and we found ourselves at the “Bottom of the World”.


Posted waits for Antartica: Empire of the Penguin were 10 minutes, so we hopped on that without any further thought. Actual wait times turned out to be even less, and we were tucked inside within five minutes of hopping into line.


While we have done both the “Wild” and “Mild” versions of Antartica on previous trips, our preference remains the mild version. The “wild” version is more just a bunch of herky-jerky jarring that neither of us feels adds anything to the experience, and as an added bonus, the “mild” side always has less of a wait. Once we had viewed the movie that precedes the ride, we were ushered immediately into the queue for the mild ride vehicles and were boarded almost instantly.


I know the critics were disappointed in Antartica when it opened (perhaps the advance fanfare was just more than the ride deserved), but we always enjoy this attraction regardless. The ice cave has some stunning features and following little Puck the Penguin’s journey is fun for any age.


As the old saying goes, though, they save the best for last when it comes to the Antarctica attraction. I am always delighted by the chorus of “oooohhhh’s” that dance on the air as the ride vehicles turn and guests capture that first look at the penguins in the frosty exhibit. The ride is a fun prelude, but it’s the animals that really make the experience.


It always takes a minute to adjust to the unbelievable cold of the penguin habitat, but thankfully there’s so much to look at that it makes it a tad bit less noticeable (at least until you’re in there long enough that your teeth start to chatter :cold:).

The penguins were super active that afternoon, and more than one went swimming by with wings a flappin’, splashing their way along the clear glass edge of the exhibit to the delight of the wide-eyed visitors.




We stayed and enjoyed their crazy antics as long as we could stand the cold. The staff working alongside the exhibit were super knowledgeable, and were filled with all sorts of tidbits of knowledge that they passed along to the park-goers who paused to ask questions about the various species showcased within the habitat. We both always enjoy leaving the park a little smarter than when we arrived… matter how many times we visit the park or experience the various attractions, we always find there’s something new that we learn each trip.


More SeaWorld to come!
one of the benefits of Steve’s size is that he’s hard to miss, even in a busy theme park

I should get one of those. Or grow. Either or.

You know what’s so wonderful about the Dismeets that we have enjoyed over the course of the last several years? They’ve all been so “easy” …. no awkward or uncomfortable silences, no desperate moments of trying to come up with something to talk about, and no weirdness whatsoever.


he always asks me…..”So, who will we be meeting up with on THIS trip?”.

:laughing: That's great!

"Now drop and give me twenty!"

While I have no doubt that this career comes with it’s own bucketload of frustrations, irritations and disappointments (though those are likely more people-related than animal-related),


the carefully-chosen senior dolphins [a mix of mothers and “aunts”] who have been called upon to teach those babies how to do all the things adult dolphins will need to do.

Huh. Didn't know that. Interesting.

We had hoped maybe we’d get the chance to see her interacting with the dolphins again during this trip (it is SO fun to watch!), and this sounded like it would be just that exact opportunity :woohoo:.


Our stroll took us past Sea Lion theater, and we found ourselves at the “Bottom of the World”.

I keep envisioning a planet Earth with a big bum on it.

It always takes a minute to adjust to the unbelievable cold of the penguin habitat,

So.... like back home. :rolleyes2
I am NOT a huge rollercoaster person either ( btmm & sdmt are my limit) so Sam ams Steve can ride and we can chat!!
Goodness we LOVE that penguin ride! We haven't seen the new dolphin nursery yet. We loved the old one and spent lots of time there. I"m sure the new one is so much better. And that chocolate cake is SO good. We've actually never had a bad dessert from Sea World.
I should get one of those. Or grow. Either or.

If you manage to figure out the secret to the growing part, do share the details!! :laughing: Heaven knows I could use an additional inch (or two, or six :rolleyes1) in height. In my next life, I want to be at least 5' 9. And blonde. And thin. And have a MUCH smaller nose. Aw heck, since I'm putting in my wish-list, let's throw in blue eyes, too, for good measure!! :rotfl2:

I keep envisioning a planet Earth with a big bum on it. I can't get that vision out of my head, either! :crazy2:

So.... like back home. :rolleyes2

I'm that weird northerner who never adjusts to the cold :cold:. In fact, I'm currently wrapped in a fuzzy robe as we are sitting in front of the TV.....and it's June. Winter almost kills me. I adore those charming little penguins, but I can only stand so long in that frosty chill.

I am NOT a huge rollercoaster person either ( btmm & sdmt are my limit) so Sam ams Steve can ride and we can chat!!

I'm down for that!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 It's nice to know there's someone else out there with my ride tolerance!! (or would that be IN-tolerance? :scratchin)

Goodness we LOVE that penguin ride! We haven't seen the new dolphin nursery yet. We loved the old one and spent lots of time there. I"m sure the new one is so much better. And that chocolate cake is SO good. We've actually never had a bad dessert from Sea World.

I really don't know why the Antarctica gets so much hate from people :confused:. We always enjoy it, too. I think maybe it just got SO much hype before it opened, people just expected too much.

The new dolphin nursery is really, really nice. They have some great underwater viewing windows for kids along the sides. The dolphins were SO active and playful this trip, they were such a joy to watch!

We wholeheartedly agree on the SeaWorld desserts :thumbsup2. We try to sample all of the options as we see new ones (carrot cake excepted, neither one of us are fans) and again this trip everything was a winner. We are rarely disappointed in ANY food at SW, though. They had strawberry shortcake at Voyagers when we were there in May, and it was extra delish. Can't wait to see what's new when we visit again in October!
Every time you post about your time at Sea World I get more and more excited about our first visit!!
Cool! I’m part of a Gina trip report! My life is complete! It was a real pleasure meeting you and Steve. I hope we can have another DISmeet soon. Next time, we would love to also have lunch or dinner with you guys!

We just returned from a week-long vacation to Atlanta and Chattanooga. It was great! We did a lot of cool stuff. And now, we still have our Fun Cards, so we will definitely be heading back to SeaWorld and Orlando in the fall and probably Christmas too. Hopefully, we’ll see you there!
While I don't particularly like the ride, I love seeing the penguins. Great pictures. We always enjoyed our trips to Sea World, and always thought the food was good. For some reason, we've done other parks these last 2 years. Maybe we will some time later, when the kids want to go to Discovery Cove once more. Then I'll be sure to have a Super Grover pass.
If you manage to figure out the secret to the growing part, do share the details!!



In my next life, I want to be at least 5' 9. And blonde. And thin. And have a MUCH smaller nose. Aw heck, since I'm putting in my wish-list, let's throw in blue eyes, too, for good measure!! :rotfl2:

But you're already beautiful, so really, no change is needed at all.
Unless it's just for variety. I can't get that vision out of my head, either! :crazy2:

You're welcome!

I'm that weird northerner who never adjusts to the cold :cold:

So you're the one!

In fact, I'm currently wrapped in a fuzzy robe as we are sitting in front of the TV.....and it's June. Winter almost kills me. I adore those charming little penguins, but I can only stand so long in that frosty chill.

And I would be standing there going "Ahh! Cool air finally!"
I love the nursery! I had one day where I spent over 30 minutes hanging out in one of the bubble windows, playing with the dolphins (the 2 babies are really cute)
Sunday, May 6th: SeaWorld, continued

It felt wonderful to emerge from frosty Antarctica into the pleasant warmth of the spring afternoon. While the sun continued to struggle to break through the clouds, we were grateful that it wasn’t raining. We did experience a few scattered sprinkles here and there, but the precipitation was extremely minimal and never did require us to break out the “emergency” umbrella that I had tucked away in my purse.


We meandered around to the Jewel of the Sea gift shop and aquarium, and spent some time looking at all the great merchandise that they offered. I easily could have spent a week’s wages just in that store alone…..but I didn’t want to make any purchases on day 1 in the event that we saw other things we liked better as we spent more time in the park (and visited all the other gift shops). Making our way into the aquarium, we one again found that we had the entire exhibit to ourselves :).


We ended up spending a nice amount of time in the aquarium, watching the eels peek in and out of the sunken pots…..


….and the colorful fish go speeding by :fish:.


Our favorites, though, are the rays, fish and sharks that occupy the overhead tanks and those beneath the glass floor. So awesome!!


When we finally emerged from the aquarium, a quick check of the time had us noting that we could easily squeeze in a show before we were scheduled to meet T at Dolphin Cove later in the afternoon. Dolphin Days was just a hop, skip and jump away from the exit of the Jewels of the Sea Aquarium and it was only about 20 minutes until the next show was scheduled to start. Having not seen Dolphin Days yet (the last time we visited SeaWorld, they were still showcasing the dolphins in Blue Horizons), we were eager to see how the new show measured up. We stopped briefly to refill our SeaWorld cup with fresh iced water, then headed in to the stadium to find some seats.


While I had had my doubts about the park’s decision to replace Blue Horizons, I have to say we were totally impressed by the new Dolphin Days show ::yes::. It was, simply put, nothing short of AMAZING :worship:. We both loved the fact that they removed the artistic acrobatics and focused almost solely on the abilities of the dolphins…..though the beautiful birds were happily still featured. It would have been a shame if they had not made the transition to the new format.


The new show actually felt like it had MUCH more energy than the former Blue Horizons, and the animals almost seemed excited to show the crowd just what they were capable of.


At this point in the day, we were not at all surprised that we got spectacular seats: front and center with an ideal view :thumbsup2. After experiencing such low crowds on that cloudy Sunday, we pretty much expected that we’d have a pretty good chance of securing a great vantage point. We did, however, carefully choose seats outside of the designated splash zone :rolleyes:. We’ll leave the soakings to the young and adventurous :p.


For a “bonus day” at SeaWorld that we hadn’t originally planned on, this had shaped up to be quite a high-flying time :cool1:.


As the show concluded, we gathered our belongings and knew we should head over to meet T at the designated time……we didn’t want to be late, as we knew she was on the clock and would likely only have a few minutes for us. However :o......we must have been suffering from a bad case of Vacation Brain by that point in the day, because somewhere in all the fun we managed to mix up where she had instructed us to meet her :headache:. While we know she said Dolphin Cove, we were stupidly still thinking Dolphin Nursery, so we ended up getting the dreaded “Where Are You??” text and feeling mighty, mighty foolish :sad2:. We immediately headed in the direction of Dolphin Cove, sending up multiple prayers of thanks that the park was so quiet and our less-than-graceful sprint was witnessed by as few people as possible. We managed to avoid any painful collisions with baby strollers and ECV’s as we dashed across the park, and arrived with sincere apologies to T for our silly error.

She was so gracious :hug:. We deserved a good scolding but instead, she had the most wonderful (and unexpected) surprise for us :eek:.

Our day was just about to get a 100 times more awesome.
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I agree. Blue Horizons was a good show, but I love Dolphin Days!
Making our way into the aquarium, we one again found that we had the entire exhibit to ourselves :).

That place is cool! I'd love to see that someday.

Our favorites, though, are the rays, fish and sharks that occupy the overhead tanks and those beneath the glass floor. So awesome!!

Yep... you've convinced me.

Well, hi there.

though the beautiful birds were happily still featured.

What do the birds do in the show?

......we must have been suffering from a bad case of Vacation Brain by that point in the day, because somewhere in all the fun we managed to mix up where she had instructed us to meet her :headache:. While we know she said Dolphin Cove, we were stupidly still thinking Dolphin Nursery, so we ended up getting the dreaded “Where Are You??” text and feeling mighty, mighty foolish :sad2:.

Whoops! At least it was saved by quick feet. :)

She was so gracious :hug:. We deserved a good scolding but instead, she had the most wonderful (and unexpected) surprise for us :eek:.

Our day was just about to get a 100 times more awesome.

Can't wait to find out!
Every time you post about your time at Sea World I get more and more excited about our first visit!!

I can't wait for you to experience the park for the very first time. It's a totally different type of park day than either Disney or Universal, so you'll likely either love it or hate it :laughing:. You may miss the need to super-plan in advance!!

Cool! I’m part of a Gina trip report! My life is complete! It was a real pleasure meeting you and Steve. I hope we can have another DISmeet soon. Next time, we would love to also have lunch or dinner with you guys!

We just returned from a week-long vacation to Atlanta and Chattanooga. It was great! We did a lot of cool stuff. And now, we still have our Fun Cards, so we will definitely be heading back to SeaWorld and Orlando in the fall and probably Christmas too. Hopefully, we’ll see you there!

Are you being sarcastic, young man? :rolleyes:

Just kidding, it was SO great to meet you guys. Your kids are such lovely young should be super proud of those two. Your daughter was such a good sport, because I think of all of us, she found the Dismeet the toughest. Let them both know (once again) how much I appreciated their willingness to get together, even for just a short time. We will DEFINITELY take y'all up on the chance to share a meal the next time our dates cross over. It may be the only way I ever get to 4 Rivers!!! :crazy2:

Sounds like you are making some great summer memories already. Is it any cooler in Georgia and Tennessee than in FL?

While I don't particularly like the ride, I love seeing the penguins. Great pictures. We always enjoyed our trips to Sea World, and always thought the food was good. For some reason, we've done other parks these last 2 years. Maybe we will some time later, when the kids want to go to Discovery Cove once more. Then I'll be sure to have a Super Grover pass.

It won't be long before those Super Grovers will be on sale again......can you believe we're already virtually half way through the year? One of these years, we'll have to go the Super Grover route versus the standard AP's so we can take in the BG parks. I wonder how far Williamsburg is from Metro Detroit? :scratchin I'l have to Google that.



But you're already beautiful, so really, no change is needed at all.
Unless it's just for variety.

Aw, aren't you sweet :goodvibes. You just made my day.

I can guarantee I'll never be seen wearing those types of shoes, though :blush:.

I love the nursery! I had one day where I spent over 30 minutes hanging out in one of the bubble windows, playing with the dolphins (the 2 babies are really cute)

They are so curious and energetic!! And so responsive to both people and their dolphin mommsa!!

I agree. Blue Horizons was a good show, but I love Dolphin Days!

Yep, Dolphin Days definitely impressed :thumbsup2. I was a skeptic, but I think they knocked it out of the park with the new show.

That place is cool! I'd love to see that someday.

Yep... you've convinced me.

Well, hi there.

What do the birds do in the show?

Whoops! At least it was saved by quick feet. :)

Can't wait to find out!

Both the old show (Blue Horizons) and the new show, Dolphin Days, feature beautiful macaws that they release into the stadium. They fly right over the guests' heads, close enough that you can feel the wind as they zip by. I have some pictures of them from later in the trip, so stay tuned!
I can guarantee I'll never be seen wearing those types of shoes, though :blush:.


Both the old show (Blue Horizons) and the new show, Dolphin Days, feature beautiful macaws that they release into the stadium. They fly right over the guests' heads, close enough that you can feel the wind as they zip by. I have some pictures of them from later in the trip, so stay tuned!

Ah! Cool. Standing by for photos.
Wait, didn't you say YOU wanted to grow.

You are going to look some strange wearing those around my friend...

And those fishnets won't go very well with your lederhosen.
I've never had anyone complain when I wear fishnets with lederhosen, so there!
But dang those corsets are uncomfortable. Probably just need to lose a couple pounds.
I've done the Sea Lion tour twice, and it's fun! I do want to do the penguin tour though (I know people who did the tour, and loved it). Just be aware with the penguin tour, there is no photographer there
I highly recommend the penguin tour! I did the sea lion tour in April and the penguins last September and while I enjoyed them both, the penguin tour was AMAZING. I may be slightly biased because I'm penguin obsessed but there was a lot of really interesting information and getting to interact with the penguins was so special. They were so curious and adorable! And the guide who did my tour took some wonderful photos of my husband and I so even though there was no park photographer there, I got some great shots on my own camera (like this one, how cute is that penguin?!).


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