Grand Cayman and Cozumel excursions


DIS Veteran
Apr 14, 2005
I'm looking for some feedback on excursions in these places. Which ones have you tried? Did you book through DCL or direct? Did you love it, hate it or was it just OK? Would you do it again or try something new?

Thanks for your input! :cheer2:
We did the stingray/snorkel with Capt. Marvin's in Grand Caymen. Had a great time and saved money by booking on our own. In Cozumel, went to Mr Sanchos beach. Beautiful beach, free admission, clean facilities and good food. I would recommend both of these. :sunny:
We got a taxi to chankanaab park ($10 each way). Rented snorkel equipt. (can't remember how much, but very reasonable). snorkeled, enjoyed the magnificent beach, nature trails with mayan historical village and relics, and reasonably priced food. The souvenirs we found in Chankanaab were much cheaper than the ones we found later in town.

It was a wonderful morning. I wish we would have skipped going to town to buy souvenirs as it was stressful, crowded, dirty, and unnecessary. And this is coming from a new yorker!!

Doing this on our own was completely EASY, non-stressful, and enjoyable. It also saved us $$ because the excursion there was more expensive and it was limited in time. We were able to spend whatever time we wanted there. Taxis were a set price and were always there. I would definitely consider this.
In Grand Cayman, we did the Island Tour and Stringray City tour through Disney. It was great! We had never been to GC, so it was nice to see what the island looked like (in March still a lot of hurricane evidence....). The tour also went to the turtle farm which was probably the cruise highlight for DD8 who is VERY MUCH into turtles!

In Cozumel, we did the Playa del Sol (I think that's what it was called?) - beach trip - again through Disney. It was fine - not terribly memorable for the adults, but DD8 got her beach fix (not something we get very often leaving in Texas!).
Hi there,
GC: We did the Stingray City tour through DCL -- the hanging out on the beach part wasn't too grand, but swimming with the stingrays was a great experience.
Cozumel -- did the Jeep adventure... great fun if you're up for getting a little dusty, like a little speed (b'cuz they let you drive the jeeps) and just plain fun. It was fantastic! Would do it again....
Cozumel -- did the Ixcaret thing, would not do again, DH and I got a bit sick and we didn't eat or drink anything... may have been the underwater river? It was one of those 'glad we did it once' thing.... maybe if we'd taken it privatly it would have been better?
We always book through DCL ... just seems safer :moped:


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