golf cart


Oct 23, 2000
Did not like the prices of renting a golf cart at the campground anymore so we bought our own golf cart today! Can't wait to try it out at Disney now.:pinkbounc
congrats, we plan to do the same thing, I have looked at they havea nice 3 seater that would be perfect for us. Lets have the details, new used, gas electric any pictures...

When we get one we are going to customize it "Disney Style" of course.
It is a used ez-go with a fold down windshield, rain shield, and seat covers. We have to convert it to a Disney theme we just haven't decided what one yet. My husband wants to put a lift kit on it though.

We go 4 - 6 times a year and stay no less than three days. So the purchase of the golf cart was well worth it comparing to renting one every time we go.

We will definately decorate the golf cart when we go on our next trip for Easter.
Please forgive my ignorance. We have not even purchased a camper yet just starting to think about it to save money on our trips. What do you use the golf cart for. I assume to get to the marina but I really don't know.
Fort Wilderness is a rather large resort, the electric carts make is much easier to get around in, Disney does have ones you can rent for about 43.00 per 24 hours period, they also have buses that run through the resort as well, but most prefer the convienence of the electric carts.


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