Gifts of a lifetime??


Earning My Ears
Mar 6, 2001
Was just reading that you can get Guest of Honor Badges at gifts of a lifetime. Can someone please tell me what this is and how to get it. Thanks Much!! :)
Jane at Gifts of a Lifetime will do personal shopping for your Disney items such as Guests of Honor Badges and Autograph Books. Check out her web site at there are pictures of what she can get for you. I ordered from her last month & last fall and both times I was very pleased. It says the order will arrive within 3 weeks, my last order arrived in 1 week.
Also, if she doesn't have something that you are looking for, email her. She is picking me up the little girl's headband with the Minnie Mouse ears and bow even though it isn't listed on her site.
Thank you all very much. I am new to this and much appreciate your help.


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