Gift ideas


Aug 23, 1999
Any ideas on items to put in graduates "I'm going to Disney World" bag that don't cost a fortune? Thanks!
I am preparing "Going to Disney" bags for my middle school graduates. You don't specify male or female but sun products, travel size toiletries, Disney dollars, snacks, journal are a few of our goodies. Also, if there are any special gift certificates you could buy before hand like Rainforest Cafe might be useful. Flying or driving? Favorite reading material, CD, money for gas, etc.

I am also going to have GOH badges waiting in the room upon arrival but they could go in bags just as well.

I read on a post on the trips board that gave me an idea. Thanks, Aerobics! A Bath & Body fragrance of choice, different from the usual choice, to be used ONLY at Disney and everyday while at Disney so when you come back and want to remember your trip all you need is a sniff! You can get away with silly things with girls quicker than you can with boys.

Have fun preparing your "bag"!

Just thought of some more....disposable camera, phone card, film if they have a camera and gift cert. for developing.

Use your imagination!!!! Don't forget to put in something that says you have a sense of humor!! Disney beanie, maybe?

Thanks for the reply - There are guys & girls - we are driving but all riding together - the price of the gas & food is already in the tally so no need for gift cert.for food - but I was thinking of Disney Dollars - I have some of the "big" items but also need some more stuff that doesn't cost too much. What are you using for your "bag"? I was trying to think of something creative there as well. Thanks all the help!
I was tring to decide between small back packs (suitable for the parks) or pool tote bags. Britta water bottles and those mister fans might be useful. I found little Disney activity books at Wal-mart, silly, but fun!

Hope your crew is as excited as mine! We are doing monthly countdown surprises to help keep the enthusiasm going! Anything from a card with disney dollars, Disney themed of course, to monthly themed beanies with a countdown date (based on the exact date we leave ex: Jan. 23 would be 119 days since we are leaving May 23).

Have fun!! Keep posting any ideas you come up with and I'll do the same!!

tiggerkeeper :D
Our family trip to WDW isn't until November and we are already thinking up a fun collection of things to give our daughter before we go. We will be staying during Thanksgiving and our daughter's birthday is a month before we leave, so this gave us some inspiration as to what to include.
Our cool idea is to have Mickey Mouse 'send' her a box of goodies for her birthday. Now she will only be turning 4 yrs old, so she obviously won't realize the box wasn't exactly sent from the Lake Buena Vista/Orlando area. So no problems there.
Just this past weekend we went to the Disney Store and found a Thanksgiving Mickey beanie, which was 75% off!! WooHoo!! And we also got her a little Minnie Mouse purse that includes inside of it, colored pencils, an eraser and sharpener. We also picked up $20 worth of Disney Dollars. We are also ordering Guest of Honor badges through Gifts of a Lifetime. And will include these in the box from Mickey too. Of course there will be badges for mommy and daddy too in there, with a note from Mickey to our daughter asking her to give them to us for the trip. A Disney book and cassette, for her to listen to on the drive to WDW.
That's what we've got so far....and the list of other ideas is still growing. Even though this is for a little girl, I'm sure other people could benefit from it too.
I have an obsessive habit of buying gifts way ahead of time..for any occasion. I like to be prepared!! I will admit that sometimes this leads to over buying!! HAHA I already have my daughter's bithday presents bought and it's not until October!!!!!! Too many great after-Christmas sales!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that we will be decorating the box with really cool Disney stickers and it will have lots of Disney confetti inside too. And a wonderful birthday letter from Mickey himself.

Gifts of a Lifetime

"Hakuna Matata"
whew now that is an about a fanny pack with a disposable camera with flash, chapstick with sunscreen, gum (not sold in the parks)dis dollars, for the girls dis earrings of their favorite character, driving... how about the new coffee/travel mugs to use in the car with the different characters on them, sunglasses, and if they are like my teenagers silly disney hats for the park, oh I know they never wear them again but it is fun to see them act like kids once in awhile,and I know this is a bit expensive but they do ususally offer mickey grams in grad outfits you could send them to your hotel and have them waiting for them....

I have purchased three millenium duffle bags from disney(on wheels) and am filling them with items for my son, niece and nephew for far we have...hats from the dis store clearance rack, autograph books, fat pens, splash balls for the pool, disposable cameras with flash, sunglasses, mister fans, beanie mickeys, mickey soaps from last trip,and pez dispensers in the dis characters, so I am getting there next to buy dis dollars and goggles for the pool. We are staying off site so I am trying to make it very dis oriented in our room....

Good luck and have fun...teenagers have such personalitys you are bound to have a interesting about mickey shampoo and minnie conditioner at walmart....and dont forget pool toys for the boys.... <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

Caribbean Beach 91
Off site 92
Off site Caribe Royale 97
All Sports 00
HIFS 5/01
the cameras I bought were inexpensive 2.98 for 27 exp with flash...I dont know where you are from but we have Marcs discount drugstores here in NEohio, and Aldis supermarket and both had them...thats also where I got my HUGE duffles for 8 dollars each.....

Caribbean Beach 91
Off site 92
Off site Caribe Royale 97
All Sports 00
HIFS 5/01
How about a Gift Certificat for the Rainforest Cafe. You can order one at their website!
They could use it in the gift shop, towards a purchase.

You could make up a little travel case filled with travel sized personal items....lip balm, shampoo, sunblock,eyeglass strap, brochures from Disney,a guide book etc.

Sounds like a fun project!

<IMG WIDTH="275" SRC="">
Thanks for all the great ideas. I have gotten some great deals at TDS - wish I could find some of those $2.98 cameras!! The boys are much harder to buy for than the girls - always lots of cute little "girl" stuff. It is a fun project and it helps pass the time till we go! We took my son & his friends in '98 when they graduated - had about the same size group and it was a blast!! You have a lot of fun - esp. at the character meals as the characters like to play to large groups who are willing to join the fun. Appreciate any new finds as you get them - I'll keep in touch if I find any new ideas
Remember, Walmart has a lot of Disney items, school supplies stuff, clothes, purses. Girls might like some pooh or minnie sox.


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