getting sick on disney food

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Earning My Ears
Feb 4, 2000
I wrote a complaint on here in Feb. about getting sick from food at disney and my annoyance at the way guest relations handled my situation. It was suggested to send a letter to Michael Eisener which I promptly did. Today, I received a phone call from the SAME person from guest relations stating my letter was forwarded to her and "she thought I understood there discussion of no liability". I once again am angry that we missed paid days in the park and they won't compensate us at all. NO WAY will I ever believe that we all 4 came down with something viral all within 2 hours of each other and my doctor agrees with me. <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
have your doctor send a letter with yours.

I was also going to suggest having your doctor send a letter. I don't know if it will do any good or not, but it certainly can't hurt.

<span style='font-size:8.0pt;
font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:#666699'>’79 Poly, ’80 Cont, ’81 Disney Inn, ’82 Poly, ’83 Fairway Villas, ’84/’85 Off-site condo, ’87 Days Inn<o:p></o:p></span>
<span style='font-size:8.0pt;
font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:#339966'>April ’91 Cont(Honeymoon), Oct ’95 ASM, Oct ’98 AS<o:p></o:p></span>
<span style='font-size:8.0pt;font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:red'>Next trip: Nov ’01 Cont</p>
I agree...I would have your doctor send a letter as well.

<font face="Comic Sans MS">

<font color="blue">first family vacation--WDW--July 2001</font>
I am sorry that you had a lousy experience at WDW, but I don't see how a doctor's letter is going to convince WDW to compensate you. The doctor has no idea what illness you had, and no way of proving anything even if (s)he had a guess. Anything (s)he says would be speculation.
I am not saying that you DIDN'T get food poisoning--I am just saying that WDW probably won't listen to your doctor.
Good luck though--maybe your persistence will pay off.
Now don't take offense. ok?

I doubt Disney will do anything for you.(actually I don't think they should - Just my opinon) As stated before you don't have proof. Now calm down. I really feel bad that you missed out on alot of your vacation because your family became ill but stuff happens. It's unfortunate but it does. You really should get over it. YOU SHOULD
Again I am sorry if this upsets you but I am sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

I hope your future family vacations turn out better.

<font Color =FF0000>HIFS 10/01
<marquee direction ="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!</marquee>

<font face="comic sans MS">"It's disney, it's crowded. Get over it!"</font>
there are a few other posters on the board who had posted about getting sick after eating at the hoop de doo why not contact them and tell of their experiences as well? don't back down! theres no proof that the food didn't make you sick either!

<img height="200" src="">
<font size="4"><font color="purple"><font face="Book Antiqua">
<marquee> First Inaugural Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders!!--yeah baby! </marquee><font></font></font>


I believe that the people you're talking about is this same poster. All 8 of his/her messages are whining about the same thing.

-- Robin
no its not someone "whining" about it it was 3 other posters and on the other post from this original poster I tried to put the link about it but I didn't know how so I put the reference fo the posts name. and its not nice to say they are whining about it since none of us were present when this occured nor does anyone know it was or wasn't the food. and since they feel this strongly about it they deserve to be heard just as the rest of us do.

<img height="200" src="">
<font size="4"><font color="purple"><font face="Book Antiqua">
<marquee> First Inaugural Member Of the WDW Resort Cheerleaders!!--yeah baby! </marquee><font></font></font>

We have always had a pleasant trip at WDW and DL but when I read your post I realized that we had illness DS and DH got very ill on our last trip and I felt it was from the food
BECAUSE when I went into the gift shop and ask for peptobismol the CM told me they had just sold out of 2 cases that morning....HUMMMMMM....
If you know where you ate then you should have reported it...I know I will next time I go if something like that happens again....

That was real nice. I guess if your family lost days in the park then guest services was rude to you, you would be happy? I think I have a right to post my complaint. Just because it isn't praise to the wonderful world of disney doesn't mean I can't voice my problem. Isn't this board a tool for suggestions and possible warnings for others?
all4lol, did you book your trip thru a travel agent? If so, you may be able to enlist them in your crusade. Travel professionals may have a little more pull than the average guest.

I'm AMAZED at the treatment you received. I would call back and ask to speak to the "friendly" CM's supervisor. Explain how rudely you were treated, etc. Keep going up the chain if you have to...

My parent's had an experience with a rude employee at the Hotel Royal Plaza when they were trying to purchase WDW tickets. They complained at Guest Services at Epcot and were given complimentary passes for the day. Boy, things have changes in 8 years!!!!!


Judie B
all4lol, did you book your trip thru a travel agent? If so, you may be able to enlist them in your crusade. Travel professionals may have a little more pull than the average guest.

I'm AMAZED at the treatment you received. I would call back and ask to speak to the "friendly" CM's supervisor. Explain how rudely you were treated, etc. Keep going up the chain if you have to...

My parent's had an experience with a rude employee at the Hotel Royal Plaza when they were trying to purchase WDW tickets. They complained at Guest Services at Epcot and were given complimentary passes for the day. Boy, things have changed in 8 years!!!!!


Judie B
It's awful that you and your family were sick on your vacation, but I think it's time to let this go. You have no real proof that it was food could be, but more likely it was a virus.

I can't see how it would be food poisioning because of where you ate and more specifically the way the food is prepared for Hoop dee Doo. It is all made in one kitchen for the HDD and the Trails End restaurant next door. If some of chickens and/or ribs were tainted, it would be very unlikely that when the buckets were assembled, you were the only table affected.

One time my family and I got a stomach virus on vacation and it was awful. We all came down with it at the same time and none of us could care for each other. (We knew it wasn't food poisioning because we hadn't been eating same things at all). So, although I do sympathize with what you guys went through, you have to open your mind to the fact that it probably was a stomach virus instead of trying to blame someone else.

[This message was edited by pentex on 03-20-01 at 04:09 PM.]
I'm still not quite sure what exactly you want Disney to compensate you for-lost time?? My mother has arthritis and we lost a day in the parks because of it. Oh well. I agree with the above poster, you need to let it go. We've all had rude experiences and magical experiences, great vacations and not so great vacations. Move on and look forward to your next one.
This is an excellent example of why I would not buy a UMP (or whatever the official name is right now.) With a Hopper, unused days may be carried over to a future trip, but with a UMP, when it's gone, it's gone, regardless of where you really were that day.
I have to agree, time to let go. If your doctor thought that you had food poisoning, he should have had you leave samples with him. Some certain types linger around for awhile and a poop sample could have proved something. I could get anyone of the doctors I work with to say I had food poisoning every time I had the pukes or diarrhea.

I am really sorry that you had a bad time...I think just about everyone that travels has at one time or another had a person in their family get DD did last year and so I guess maybe I should write and say that I want one day refunded to me. Unfortunately this isn't going to happen for you or me.

Probably the absolute only way to see if you could be compensated would be to hire a lawyer and see what he has to say. Disney will claim no liability because you have no proof.
I'm sorry for you, I really am, it stinks that so much of your trip was wasted. But PLEASE...just let it go! The longer you hold onto it, the angrier you will stay. I'm pretty sure that being angry at Disney is the last thing you want to do.



SoG-MAY 98
This family has a definite problem with Disney, and everybody either jumps down her throat, or says, "move along now little doggie."

Now, if this were a complaint about ants in the rooms, or some CRO not doing some code right, the story would be different.

I have read the posts here, and the previous thread. And, although most of you don't want to hear this, I think this lady is deserving of some compensation. It is fairly clear that the entire family got sick, at the same time, after eating the same food. It is also clear that, even if it was not HDD food, it was disney food as they only ate disney food for several days before.

I don't care if nobody else complained. SO WHAT! That has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on this family's claim for reimbursement. What other people do or do not do has no effect on their claim. What does have an effect on their claim is what they do, and what happens to them.

So Disney says no one else complained. That does not mean that no one else got sick. It simply means that no one else complained. Although they can put that up as a defense, I can guarantee that it is as easy to shoot holes through as a piece of tissue paper.

All4lol, file a claim in small claims court. Determine your damages, losts $$ for tickets, days in hotel, dr. expenses, etc. and, as they say on TV, take 'em to Court. I'll place my bets with you, and not disney in this fight.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>This family has a definite problem with Disney, and everybody either jumps down her throat, or says, "move along now little doggie."[/quote]

If you take the time to look at her previous posts, you will see that she received good suggestions and sympathy. Even so, she continues to complain and air her grievances. All of her posts are about this particular incident. Now, don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for her. Nevertheless, I agree that she should "move along little doggie.".

IMO, DIS is a community and not just a place to complain. Sure, we all complain at one time or another. But don't you think that she could possibly join another discussion in the last 3 weeks?

FWIW, I welcome her as a regular member of this community. If she'd like to contribute to the community I will do my best to make her feel welcome. However, I believe that she just wants to bad mouth Disney and thought that this would be a good place to do it.

-- Robin
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