Get the Hotel stuff off this site


Earning My Ears
Feb 10, 2001
Why are most of the post on this site about Hotels, Put the Hotel question's on the right board, it is nothing but a waste of time, I thought this site was supposed to be about the parks. I hope the Moderator will start taking care of this, I know this doesn't happen on the Disney Boards...
Uncle Walt,

You obviously do not understand that there is no Universal Resorts board. Therefore, the most logical place to post regarding the Universal Resorts is on this board.

It doesn't happen on the Disney boards because there is a separate Disney Resorts board.

There probably should be a separate board since Universal Resorts give guests much more value for their money than Disney Resorts do!
As Universals' properties are all "within a stones throw of each other", it is easy to lump them all together in same category. The direct tie-in mainly is Hotel guests receiving FOTL access within the Parks. Something I know doesn't happen at Disney.
I personally appreciate the "package deal" info exchanged here. Keeps me off the shuttle bus to another board!
As a newbie, I am staying at the HRH because of this board. If the moderators want to seperate it that is fine, but I like the ease of everything together. JMHO
HRH June 2001 :D
The way I see it, if a topic does not interest you then no one is holding a knife to your throat to click it or read it. These boards are for information and that is exactly what everyone does here. I hardly see the waste of time that any post would cause. :rolleyes:

Take a moment to read the summary at the top of the topic page:

This forum is for general discussions about Universal Orlando (including Islands of Adventure, CityWalk, Universal Studios Florida, Portofino Bay Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel, and area hotels).

The Theme Parks board on The DIS is a separate entity and deals with a much larger "clientele" and four parks.


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

I agree that the Hotel Information is very pertinent. That is why I read the boards! I have gotten great information on the hotels and resturants. In my case, the info on the parks is secondary! Like the previous poster said, read only topics you are interested in!
I love the hotel information! Reading about the great rooms, amenities and service PBH and HRH gives me something to look forward to when my girls are older and we can actually enjoy the atmosphere as well as the theme parks.
I agree that the hotel info is important and offers lot's of help, I just feel people would be better served if it was posted on another board,
there is so much great info posted here about the parks but it get's lost in amongest all the hotel post, I'm sure the majority of the people who hit this site don't stay on site at universal, but they all do go to the parks. I'm amazed at the amount of hit's my post got in 2 day's (260)..
U. Walt,
Seems your original post came across too strongly. Eventually there probably will be a need for a Universal Resort Board. For the time being though, most feel their needs are being best served.
Are you also amazed that your request (or was that a demand?) has been the first & only of its kind?
If it ain't broke....


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