General Question on travelling with small kids


<font color=blue>DIS Earth Angel!<br><font color=0
Mar 19, 2001
Hi All,

Not sure if this belongs on the family board, the transportation board, or the budget board (as I am still trying to find that really cheap flight! ;) ) To fly to Orlando is about a 3 hr 10 minute flight from either airport we could choose. DS (4 yrs old) has never been on a plane. Would paying the extra for non-stop be the way to go, or do you think he would be fine with a stop or two? I know every child is different, I am just looking for your experiences. If you feel this would be better on a different board, please feel free to move it over.

Thanks again for all your help!

I think it would depend on a couple things, most important of which is if your child has any ear problems riding in elevators or similar situations. If he does, save him the discomfort of additional take offs and landings. Also, are your layovers long enough he can go to the bathroom and look around the airport without being rushed to the next flight. His curiosity will get the better of him, and you, if he is rushed too much. Also, does he stay with you well or will you be a nervous wreck watching him? If so, I'd opt for the direct flight too.

I think the excitement of the airplane rides (I got to ride 2 -- or 3 -- airplanes instead of 1) and going to Disney should keep him going through however long it takes.

We actually do both when we go but not by choice. We fly directly from Hartford to Orlando, but we then visit grandparents on the Gulf coast, and fly out of Sarasota. We always have to switch planes in Atlanta. We prefer to take just one flight, because we feel its easier to entertain both kids (4 y.o. and 2 y.o.) for that 3 hours straight, than have to switch and go through the hassle of boarding, unboarding, boarding again, etc. It also makes my younger one tired, and we can only hope that he'll nap on the 2nd flight! It does really depend on the child, so go with you instincts on what you'd think your child would handle better.


Another issue you might confront if you have connecting flights is DELAYS, causing you to miss a connection or keeping you trapped in the connecting airport. :(
A 4-year-old will do fine either way. If you do choose to make a connection, leave enough time for a snack/bathroom break and also to avoid missing a connection. 1.5 hours is usually a good layover.


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