garden view rooms for family of 5


Earning My Ears
Feb 1, 2001
hello everyone. We are going to the HRH next week (feb.5-9)-- family of 5 with 3 kids, 9 yr old twin girls and 6 yr.old boy. We have a regular garden view room, but I am worried we might be too crowded (with the rollaway). Has anyone else stayed there with 5 people in a room? Does anyone know about the cost of upgrading to a deluxe room (how much bigger?) or a kids suite?? Any deals I should know about? It is our first trip to IOA,US although we went to Disneyworld 2 yrs. ago and stated at the CONTEMPORARY. Thanks for your help.
If you're getting the "standard" Garden View room with only 375 sq. ft., it's going to be very crowded with the roll-away bed and two queen beds.

I stayed in the same type of room last weekend, and there was not a lot of spare room, and once you put in the rollaway, it's going to be cozy and you'll be stepping over and/or around furniture. You'll probably want to put the rollaway by the window, between the queen bed and outside wall, but to do that you'll have to move the chair/ottoman that is usually in that spot to somewhere else ..
The cost of a deluxe room using entertainment rate is only $149.00 but it's probably unlikely that there are any rooms available since you are going so soon. Are you a Leow's First member? If so, you might be upgraded free of charge. Check the Leow's website for more info. The deluxe rooms are 500 sq. feet.
thanks for the information. I thought we might be too crowded in that room-- I did call the LOEWS number and joined that club, so maybe we will get an upgrade to the 500 sq. ft room, if available.I also called the UNIVERSAL/HARD ROCK reservations #, and they told me they could upgrade us to a KIDS SUITE (only one left for that week) for a cost of $780, which seemed a little outrageous for an upgrade, although those rooms are 800 sq. ft (a lot more breathing room!!)Does anyone know if there is a kid friendly restaurant at the HRH for breakfast, sandwiches, etc??
Thanks for the help.
Ok now I'm worried my family of 5 will be crowded. Does anyone know the entertainment rate for kids suite although I probably cant aford it this trip. Were booked for 4 nights with 3 days at the park so my logic is we probably wont be in the room too much but to sleep so hopefully wont be stepping on each other. I plan on trying the Loews upgrade but not holding my breath.
I have read so much about rates and upgrades. Can anyone tell me how the written rule is applied. For example, I paid $165 for Pool View from HRH reservations said I could get it for $149 / night since I wanted 3 nights, but they didnt have any alloted. Thats why I went elsewhere. Loews says you get the perks, but not if you have a group or negotiated rate. Now, I paid more than HRH was charging directly, but through another party, which may have negotiated 'their cost' lower than a noraml travel agents cost. Hmmm... Will I get my upgrade?
For the one who originally asked, consider this: How much time will you be spending in the room? 20x18 is 4'x18 per person. I bet you wouldt mind if you stick with it.
For the upgrade, you might only get the Pool View, which is the same size. You may want to switch to Pool View at cost, and then free upgrade to Deluxe, which I hear is bigger...
I will be very interested to hear what people say, and how it goes!
I don't think that there is an entertainment rate available for every type of room. When I called for a room in late April I was given three quotes for entertainment rates. Standard room $129, Deluxe room $149 and club room $305. Since I told them I have two kids, they probably would have mentioned a suite price if one was available. Call anyway. Can't hurt to ask.

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Someone mentioned in another post that the deluxe rooms have a daybed in them. Maybe someone else can confirm.


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