Gameboy games


A proud Spartans fan.
Aug 17, 1999
I finally purchased a Gameboy for my almost 7 year old DD. I thought it would make the time go faster for her on the flight to WDW in November. I'm letting her use it now so that we aren't learning it on the way down. I would like to get her a game to wrap up as a treat and allow her to open on the plane.

What recommendations for a game -- maybe even Disney themed -- would you all have for a 7 year old girl.

Disney-themed, if she likes racing, the WDW Racing game is good, but the one my daughter won't put down is the Beauty and the Beast game. My daughter loves the Sabrina game, the Angelica/Rugrats game, and the Pokemon games as well. You didn't say if it was Game Boy Color or Game Boy Advanced that you bought her - check the games before you buy - Game Boy Color can't play Game Boy Advanced games, however Game Boy Advanced is backwards compatable and plays all the games, no matter what system they were designed for.

Here's a good site to check out reviews of games before you buy them...

Also, look for used games at stores like Electronics Boutique or Blockbuster, far more affordable...
Thank you so much for the clue about used game cartridges. I never even thought about that.

I got the Gameboy Advanced. I was told that the graphics for the Color series don't play any better in the Advanced, but figured we'd be safer with it anyway.

I will definitely check out the website to which you referred. Beauty and the Beast sounds like a winner.

Thanks again!
Good call on the Advanced over the Color, more games are in development for that now and, because you have your pick of both old Color games and new Advanced games, you'll have a longer "shelf life" with the Advanced - all for a mere $10 - $20 more. :) (yes, my family is full of electronics geeks, I'm what to do with the old Game Boy Colors sitting on the shelf! :rolleyes: )

One more quick suggestion - if you have a Blockbuster, check out the game rental section BEFORE you buy a game. We don't let the kids buy a game till they have rented it and we see how long the game stays in the game boy vs. in the rental box - usually they have a good selection for the kids to "test drive". :)
Thank you again!!! We do have Blockbusters in the area, but we don't rent a lot of movies. Again, I would not have thought of renting a Game Boy game. (And I'm not even an idiot!)

We'll make a trip to Blockbuster tonight. I really appreciate your help. If you have any more suggestions, I will gladly take them.

Definately do used games. Usually places let the kids try it in the store before you buy. Also, they usually take trade ins, your old ones for "new" ones. Great if the kids beat it or need to move into something more challenging
Depending on how much the GBA is used, you might want to consider three more purchases...rechargable batteries, headphones/earphones, and a worm light. Rechargable batteries are great, these things can eat them up...earphones to help stop the person in the next seat from throwing the GBA out the window. And the worm amazes me that with all the gorgeous technology available, they STILL did not make the screens back-lit, making it hard to see in less than perfect lighting conditions like on a plane...(actually, it doesn't amaze me, why give up another opportunity for money I guess). My kids both have the little worm lights that attach on to the top of the GBA, use the batteries from the GBA, and light up the screen enough that they can play this in the car at night, or in their room without having to be DIRECTLY under their lamps. I think they were somewhere between $7-10 each, and come in lots of "SOOO COOL" colors (quoting my 7 yr old son).


I truly do appreciate the suggestions. We have to get the worm light -- we discovered that on the ride home from the toy store. We got a handy, dandy accessory kit with the AGB that included a soft cover and strap, cartridge storage boxes, and EAR PHONES!!! :pinkbounc Can you tell what sold Mom?

We were advised that the batteries would be done in 15 hours, so I sure understand the rechargeable aspect. I'm hoping I don't have to bring a recharger to WDW!
DS just got his Game Boy Advance last weekend. So far, he only has one game, Mario Kart. He likes it....if playing it hours at a time is any indication that he likes it. ;)
Here are some great Disney games that we have and are fun but also easy enough that my 4 yr. old enjoys them.

Alice in Wonderland
Jungle Book
Toy Story
Mickey's Racing
Walt Disney World Racing
Little Mermaid II Pinball
Definate get the worm light. It makes a huge difference. My DD loves the 101 Dalmations game!
There is also a connecter that enables the game to run off the car battery. It won't help on the plane but really saves on batteries for long car trips.:D
My DD got the regular color GB last Christmas. Her favorite game by far is Alice in Wonderland. I think we got it on sale in Jan. as it was being discontinued. I even like playing this game!:)
Will the worm light work on a regular game boy color?
Yes, they have worm lights (and other such lights) for each type of Game Boy, just read the package to see what they are compatable with.... :)
I totally agree with the Blockbuster tips. I cannot tell you how many Gameboy games we have rented (that they thought they just had to buy) that didn't get played with for more than 20 minutes, because they didn't like them. We never buy any games, Gameboy or Playstation (unless it's Playstation Spyro) without renting them first.

Thanks so much, I am clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff.


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