FYI Norway's Story Telling breakfast has been extended until 12/30/2002


DIS Veteran
Oct 24, 2000
I scanned the first couple of pages to see if anyone had already posted this information. I don't come to this board very often and wouldn't know if this has been posted.

We will be going on 12/19/2002! We are so excited!


6/1997 Off site, 2/2000 Off site, 2/2001 Poly, 10/2001 POFQ, AKL & Magic, 1/2002 ASMo & AKL, 12/2002 ASMu & Poly
I just talked to a CR and he said that the Princess Storybook breakfast is scheduled until 12/31 so far and it looks like it will probably stay.
It seems to be pretty popular and helps fill the void for the people who are unable to get CRT. I have a feeling it will be around for awhile.
The Princess Storybook Breakfast or, PSB for short, has been extended to 12/31 as noted. However, it is still a 120 day PS event. Hope this clears up the date differences mentioned.

Happy Planning! :D

(Ah, feels good to get back into the fun of PS planning!!)

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