Fullsize Car For $22/Day in April (Priceline)


Earning My Ears
Feb 21, 2001
Just wanted to report that I just got a fullsize car from Tampa Int'l Airport (Hertz) at the rate of $22/Day for 9 days through Priceline. I initially tried $15/day but didn't get any takers. The cheapest fullsize car rate I found for 9 days (April 18-27)was over $27/day through Dollar using the "KISS" promotion code. Maybe I should have tried $19/day???
I got 6 days in full size at Alamo through Priceline for 134.24 all tax and charges plus Priceline's fee included.
That was a pretty significant jump from $15 to $22, especially since you had several weeks to keep trying. And yes, you definitely should have tried $19 (or even lower) because Hotwire's price for a full size is $20.36/day.
I got a minivan from Priceline for $20/day for 7 days through Alamo. This was the fist and only bid I put in. We are going May 17-24.


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