Frequent Virgin Club


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Sep 23, 2001
Hi Guys

Found a nice surprise in the mail on Tuesday.

I had booked a holiday for Fiona's Christmas on virgin holidays internet site.

It was a "Mega Deal" to Barbados at what I thought was a very resonable price. Only thing was, it didn't show any FVC discount anywhere, although it did ask you for your membership number.

Before I confirmed it, I phoned virgin holidays direct, but the quote was much more expensive. They quoted the brochure price less the FVC discount and not the "Mega Deal" price shown on the internet.

OK - must be an internet only price I thought. Still I was happy with it as it still saved about £200pp off the brochure price which I had been quoted on the phone.

The 2nd invoice which came in the post (don't know if its just me, but we always seem to get about 3 or 4 invoices from virgin, which you spend 20 mins checking only to find they are exactly the same) had my mega deal price as original stated LESS another 10% discount for FVC. (invoice balance showed a credit)

..... so just phoned them up and upgraded to PE .:)

So ... the outcome - we are travelling PE staying in a deluxe room and are paying just over the brochure price for a standard room and economy flights.

Happy Days :bounce:

David :D
David that is great news:)

How lovely for a nice surprise for a change,instead of the problems we usually discuss:bounce: :Pinkbounc


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