Free 2000 Passporter


<font color=CC66CC>Is blind to the charms of Simon
Aug 18, 1999
You can get the 2000 Passporter for just the cost of shipping right now. Total will be $5. I know most of us probably already know most of the info that is in the book and some of it is outdated but for $5 it would be handy for first time visiting friends and you wouldnt have to loan out your current one. PassPorter 2000
I know their are coupons in it. Can you tell me when they expire? I was wondering if I could make up the $5.00 shipping on the coupons in it.
Most likely the coupons are expired. I just ordered the one today to have on hand for friends and family that bombard me with questions. From what I've heard you can update your passporter with new information once you have it from their website.
I ordered one last week.I figured the same book up here costs around $35.I have only ever seen the Passporter in bookstores in the States so even though it might be a little outdated,it will be a good chance for me check the book out.It cost $10US to ship it up here in case Canadian was wondering.They just got my cheque and sent my copy out this morning.WOOHOO!


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