FOTL Question


Earning My Ears
Mar 28, 2001
Hi. I'll be staying at PBH in May. I just read on that "the system will only allow one ride per day per room key on any given attraction." Is this true? Also, does FOTL access apply all day, or just until 10AM? Thanks!
Thanks. Do you know if I can use it all day, as often as I want, or is it limited to one use per ride?
REa Barry Horn's post - "Trip tip--How to get to the front of the line. It explains it all.
Click on the link to my signature to learn about about FOTL.

BTW, you are misspelling my last name. :)


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Barry, I've been reading and posting here since January and until you posted above I always read your last name as H-O-R-N myself. Had to do a double take when I read this. S-O-R-R-Y!

And as long as you're reading this, your link doesn't really specify whether or not the new rules for onsite guests apply or not. Are they swiping the card keys and limiting the FOTL to once per ride per day? If not, will they be doing so mid May?

1996 Bought New House
1997 Local Theme Park
1998 Watched Disney Videos
1999 Painted House
2000 Tent in Backyard
2001 ASMovies !!!


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