FOTL details

J and E's Mom

Earning My Ears
Jan 20, 2000
The more I read the more I'm confused. We are staying at HRH in June 2001. What are the FOTL times? I booked the hotel because I was told that it was all day, now I am reading that it will only be for specific times in the morning. Does anyone know for sure??

Gagnon Family,

As I understand, FOTL is all day. I will be there in February to confirm.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
I am positive it is ALL DAY. I called and asked for a supervisor at the Ticket Reservation due to the confusion on this board. I was assured that it is ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!! Some printed items have not been updated.
Thanks so much for making that call. We made our reservations on site because of this perk. It's nice to have peace of mind. ;)


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