For all you creative parents out there...


Earning My Ears
Nov 15, 2000
We are leaving in 16 days for sunny florida! I have four children ages 3,5,7,& 9. This is our first trip. We have been counting down the weeks for a year. What can I do to make the last days before the trip exciting for them. Any creative countdown ideas...special things to do just before we leave....I love these boards...they have made our whole trip! Thanks Ann <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

We will be going the same time you are!!

Last year my son and I made a chain link out of construction paper, we decorated it, and on the last link was a picture of Mickey Mouse. Every day we took off one of the links, this showed my son, the shorter the chain, the closer the time we got to go to Mickey's House, (that's what he call's it.)

This year, we haven't been that creative, we have a big calender on his wall, and we just check off a day at a time.

I have let him help me pick out things for our long car ride. A local book store was going out of business, so we went and bought a bunch of sticker books/coloring books for the trip. We also bought a couple new movies for him to have in the car, using some of his money from gifts from the previous holidays.

Have a fantastic trip!!!
If you live near a Disney Store, go buy some Disney Dollars (maybe in the amount you were planning to let the kids spend on souveniers), then as they do little chores to help get ready for the trip, reward them with the $$$.

Less costly ideas, watch some Disney videos!
We made up a calendar on the computer and taped it to the front of the fridge. Every night a different family member gets to mark off their square with whatever picture they want to draw. We've had Mickey, the Epcot ball, Space Mountain and the teacups.

9 more sleeps!!!!
I like the chain link might give my 3 year old a better idea of how long. We got all the summer clothes out and ready...just need to pack and were on our way.!!!
I downloaded some clipart and I've been sending my boys a letter from one of the characters - Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and Donald - each week. They love it! I've also been collecting inexpensive Disney items (from Dollar Tree, Big Lots, Sale at Disney Store) and I'm going to sneak it on their beds with a welcome note from Mickey on our first day. I got a box from the disney store to put it all in. On our bulletin board in our kitchen, I've decorated it with Disney pictures and I put a big sign in the middle with more Disney Clipart on it with the number of days before we leave. And I downloaded a Disney Countdown so they can click on it anytime to see how many days, hours, and minutes before we leave. My 4 year old loves this! I hope others share their ideas, I'm always looking for something new to do. Have fun on your trip, maybe We'll see you, we leave in 18 days!!


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