For all of you worried that Happily Ever After won't be a good replacement for Wishes


DIS Veteran
May 12, 2006
Disney posted a small preview on their blog today. I have watched it four times and it made me cry each time. I think Disney knocked it out of the park with the soundtrack alone. It is beautiful, inspirational, and very moving.

And for those of you worried that it won't contain enough pyro/ not worry! Here is a video found on YouTube that someone took during the pyro testing. No shortage of fireworks at all!

I will miss Wishes also, and I was skeptical about whether Disney was trying to cut costs with using more projection and less fireworks but I should have trusted Disney. From what I have seen, this show will be absolutely amazing.
This will be my first time at Disney World so I never got to see Wishes but this looks spectacular!
It looks like a lot like the show in Paris and that is awesome.
I like it a lot more than wishes and with the mapping being so spectacular you don't need as much fireworks it's magical on its own.
Thank you for posting this! I'm so excited to see it and I had tears watching the video!!
I was very scared about the use of projections replacing most of the pyro, but I should've never second-guessed Disney! Can't wait to see this in December plus the Christmas party show!
Disney posted a small preview on their blog today. I have watched it four times and it made me cry each time. I think Disney knocked it out of the park with the soundtrack alone. It is beautiful, inspirational, and very moving.

And for those of you worried that it won't contain enough pyro/ not worry! Here is a video found on YouTube that someone took during the pyro testing. No shortage of fireworks at all!

I personally am not wild about her (Angie's) voice - she is very shaky to me, but they compliment one another very well. I think it is great that Disney is offering something new and refreshing. It will be loved, I promise. :teeth:
I personally am not wild about her (Angie's) voice - she is very shaky to me, but they compliment one another very well. I think it is great that Disney is offering something new and refreshing. It will be loved, I promise. :teeth:

I LOVE her voice and his. I agree that they compliment each other beautifully. And the choir singing at the end is so powerful. I am just thrilled because I was dreading the fact that Wishes was going away. WIth the departure of the MSEP, I was wondering what there would be to look forward to at night at the MK. I still hope that they plan to bring a nighttime parade back to WDW. But this show is going to be really amazing!
Holy cow! It looks amazing. I'm so excited to watch this is person! I'm going in December. I hope it's showing on non MVMCP nights
I personally am not wild about her (Angie's) voice - she is very shaky to me, but they compliment one another very well. I think it is great that Disney is offering something new and refreshing. It will be loved, I promise. :teeth:

It's constant vibrato; if people like that, the song sounds great... if not, it is quickly very grating.
And for those of you worried that it won't contain enough pyro/ not worry! Here is a video found on YouTube that someone took during the pyro testing. No shortage of fireworks at all!

Have you seen what they've turned star wars into? much worry, it looks setup to be able to run empty spots all over the place...
Can't wait to see this! We are going over Christmas and I wonder if the fireworks at that time will be different. If so, I guess that just means we'll have to go again to see Happily Ever After :yay:
Not a fan of the lead voices. Like the orchestral arrangement but the singers lack the emotional maturity to carry the piece IMO. Casting directly from Disney Channel pool.

Will reserve judgement until we see the whole thing but definitely find the voices grating.
I can't wait to see this show!! We are going in August and I am going to try soooo hard not to look at any videos of the whole show so the first time I see it will be a surprise.


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