food on planes?


Jan 9, 2001
In order to save $ on food, I thought we could eat a good breakfast before going into the parks, then snack through the day on stuff we bring, and then have a good dinner (possibly early dinner if the kids are overly hungry). My question is this:
Is it a good idea or is it even possible to take snack foods such as granola bars, fruit snacks, etc. in our luggage on the plane? I've heard that the prices on items like this are outrageous in the World, but I don't think that we are going to rent a car while we're there, so we won't be able to go off site to purchase them. Any thoughts?
Last year we took many packs of bars, crackers and Pop-Tarts. They got us through to about 11 am or so at which time we'd get some fast food at the park. Later we'd have a late lunch at one of the sit down restaurants at Epcot because lunch is cheaper than dinner for almost the same menu. We just packed the stuff in one of our regular suitcases.

Bill From PA

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
of people bring their own food on planes -- esp w/kids.
We flew yesterday from MCO to Cincinnati, at dinner time, and only got a (small) salad, two breadsticks, a small piece of cheese and dinky cookie. (They called it a snack, not a meal.)
I was expecting a meal, so before we boarded our second plane, I grabbed a fast food sandwhich.

I always pack a suitcase full of snack items. I also bring snacks on the plane with me, to eat while enroute. I've never had a problem. ;)

<font color=blue font face="Lucida Calligraphy">"A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes"</font>

<font color=CC33CC font face="Lucida Calligraphy">Polynesian May 1985, June 1990
Grand Floridian December 1992
Beach Club May 1995, November 1997
Boardwalk Inn August 1998
Port Orleans April 1999
Boardwalk Villas August 1999
Wilderness Lodge May 2000
Old Key West July 2000
WDW Swan Oct 2001</font>

It is not a problem to pack food in your suitcases. Why would it be? Last year we stayed at a condo where I cooked, and you name it, I packed it--everything from a bottle of mustard to cans of soup! :D
When we went to Disney last June I purchased a soft sided cooler. I pack it full of snacks. When I left for the airport I was going to carry it on the plane. The longer I held it the heavier it got. I let it go with the other luggage. To my surprise everything was OK. A few of my biscotti were broken but edible. If you can not fill the cooler pack some clothing inside the cooler for padding. When we got to our hotel I used the cooler for sodas. If you don't have a car to buy sodas, take some powdered drinks like lemonade, ice tea, kool aid. It will save you a bundle on drinks. Then the cooler can be used for ice. Boy I was a little long-winded. Sorry
I always bring one peice of luggage full of snacks. Stuff that we can stick in everybodies fannypack. It is more expensive and more time consuming to buy the stuff in the Disney area. We have never had problems taking it on the plane.


<font size=3><font color=red> Happy Valentine's Day!</font></font>
<font size=3><font color=red><marquee>Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font>
<font color=red>15 times to WDW 13 off-site three on!
Next trip Dolphin in July & Swan in DEC. 2001!</font>
At Dixie Landings last year, we bought milk and drinks from the cooler inside the clothing store instead of the food court. Much cheaper in store for the same items.


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