Food Budget Question


Caffeinated Insomniac
Mar 27, 2001
We are heading down in Sept and I am trying to plan $$ (like everyone else!!) and I wanted to bounce my food budget number off of the folks that have been down there recently to make sure its enough.

We have six adults, staying at the Doubletree Suites. Our suite has a full kitchen and we are planning on having breakfast there in the mornings - we are planning on bringing (we are driving in) the groceries that we will need for breakfast, snacks, and drinks throughout the day.

Looking at the folks we are feeding (two 25yr & one 30yr old male eating machines) I have planned on eating at a lot of the buffet places and the all you can eat places. Right now I am planning on $50 per person per day for food (this doesn't count toward the groceries). Does this number sound reasonable? I have our itinerary on the website below listing the restaurants.


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September 2001 - Doubletree Suites Maingate
March 1989 - Caribbean Beach Resort
Hi Cyn! If you are eating breakfast in your room, and are planning on doing a lot of buffets at about $21 pp per meal, then I would think that $50 pp per day would be just fine!

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget Board and
Disney for Families BoardCo-Host</font>
Go to -- they have every menu for every restaurant, buffet, dinner show and snack stand in WDW property! It really helped me out on our last trip!

I also agree with eating in your room and bringing your own snacks from home to keep costs down.

Good luck! My husband is also one of those eating machines! :D


9/86 - Polynesian
11/97 - Hyatt Orlando
3/99 - Dixie Landings
11/00 - All Star Movies
I thought I was on track with the $50 per person. We live in Connecticut were restaurant prices are pretty high and I went off of that. Looking through some of the websites with prices and some of the guide books I think we will be okay.




September 2001 - Doubletree Suites Maingate
March 1989 - Caribbean Beach Resort
You have a killer drive from CT. Good luck!

Why not bring a couple of easy meals. Especially since you have the full kitchen. You may have a day where you want a mid-day break.Eat dinner in your place then head back out for the evening. Spaghetti is so easy to make and bring. We flew in but brought everything from our bag o salad to the garlic bread sticks. Easy,cheap, and a nice change from the hectic meals in the restaurants.

your meal allowance sounded great tho. you should be safe for sure.
I just realized that the groceries are driving in not you. Good for you! Wouldnt want you to be wilted by the time you got there. Also realized you have no kids w/ you. Screw the cookin- you're on the right track. Have fun!!!!!
$50 per person, per day sounds just about right. ;)

'75 off-site
'84 D.D.
'89 off-site
'96 CBR
'97 off-site
'99 Poly
next rip 8/01 at Beach Club
The ride down from CT is about 22 hrs or so - we are renting a Ford Excursion (like a Suburban) for the six of us going down. It shouldn't be too bad - with the six adults we can switch off on the driving and there is room to nap in the Excursion.

It was either drive down or take the traing - my wimpy mother and my wimpy husband won't get on a plane! :) So we could have paid about $240 per person round trip for Amtrak and then rented a car once we got down there or just rent the Excursion and do the driving ourselves and save some money.



September 2001 - Doubletree Suites Maingate
March 1989 - Caribbean Beach Resort
Hi Cyn, I love your countdown page...wish I knew how to do that kinda stuff. I just wanted to let you know that from all the information I read on these boards that MK on Saturday is a big no-no if your not an onsite guest, because it an EE day. As far as the $50 a day for food sound about right to me thats what I've budgeted for myself. Have a great trip.

:rolleyes: 27 days to go, but who's counting :rolleyes:


<marquee><font size="6" color="PURPLE">Trix may be for kids, but WDW is for ALL!!</font></marquee>



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