First week of January trip planned...too cold to swim? Fireworks? Parades?

busy mom

Mar 30, 2001
I am very hesitant to take my 3 kids out of school for a vacation, so we are planning to visit WDW the first week of January/2003. This would minimize days missed from school. From what I have read on these boards, crowds should be light, kids love to swim, and we are not sure if we are taking our chances. Also, I understand that this is value season, so will we still get all the special attractions (parades, fireworks) as we would travelling during a more busy season? We are only planning on visiting MGM/Magic Kingdom. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
We went January last year and it was very cold. Everyone down there said it was an unusually cold spell they were having. So you really can't tell the weather, you just chance it. But we didn't mind it being cold. It would usually reach 60 during the day and yes, we did still swim. The pools at the resorts are heated so that wasn't a problem. Getting out was cold but we would just throw on sweatshirts and sweatpants and run back to the room. As far as parades and fireworks, we were able to see them but I guess you can never tell this far in advance what their schedule will be. We liked the first week in January and would do it again however our favorite time is still November.
We were there the 12th-19th of this January and the weather was quite nice.It got up in the 70's in the afternoon and then droped back down by sunset. There was some people in the pool everyday and every evenning. The water was very warm but the air on getting out was cold. After a week of begging I let DS get in one night and we came back to the resort the last afternoon to let him swim. Afternoon was the best time but we were always in the parks at that time.Our crowds were very light but I think they will be higher that first week in January. BTW-Our family loves AK and EPCOT. We prefere both of these over MGM. DS is nine. Just a grain of a salt if you have not been to the parks before.I know you will love a Januray vacation!

Jordan's mom
Be prepared for anything. We were there in Jan 2001 and Jan 2002. In 2001 it was very cold, enough that we were wearing layers and the kids had hats and gloves on for 2 days. The other 2 days was in the high 60's.

This year it was 80 every day (jan 16-21)


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