First Trip as DVC Member: VWL or OKW?


Jun 8, 2001
The torture...........

We are just finishing the paper work for 170 points at VWL and are eagerly anticipating our first trip as DVC members (though we were just in DW at the Polynesian 10 days ago ;o).

We don't have any definite times or anything (the trip will be some time this spring), but on our trip earlier this month, we made it a point to check out the on-property DVC resorts after signing. We took a bus to VWL and were extremely impressed and happy with our decisions... then we stopped at OKW and we were charmed and astonished.

So the question: should we stay at our home resort VWL for our first stay or should we indulge our curiosity and stay at OKW? We've never been in rooms at either place. We'll probably get a studio, though we could just get a 1 BR and enjoy the jacuzzi tub. Opinions? Please? We are torn!
orky15 - that's a tough one.

Understand - I'm probably biased to OKW - as we're members there - but here's my 2 cents, FWIW...

I kinda see VWL as a warm, cozy resort. We stayed there once last January, then again in February. It was very nice to come back to the fireplace in the Iron Spike room - and you can't beat the lobby of the WL in the winter!

That being said - I kinda view OKW as a cool, spring/summer resort. We spent the last week of April in a 1BR last year - and the orchid trees, the azaleas - just all the greenery and sunshine was just SO NICE!

Also - if you're going this spring - you don't have to worry about the 7 month issue - so maybe you should plan on visiting VWL when your 11-month priority will actually be necessary - since you can use your VWL points now at OKW.

Just a few thoughts - you'll have a great time either place! Have fun!
If you are doing a studio the size difference between the rooms is negligible but you get two beds with OKW, a bed and a fold out couch at VWL...If you are doing a 1BR then the OKW will be more spacious which some say may spoil you and make you feel cramped in VWL 1 BR in future...
okw is less points than vwl. keep that in mind if you want to stretch out your points
We haven't stayed in any studios (we love the one bedrooms), but just looking at the floor plans, the OKW studio looks more spacious than the studios at VWL or BWV. Looks like more room for the table, and more turnaround room in the bathroom. Anyone stayed in both? Diana
WE sold back 100 of our 170 points, so we have 70 to either use before August or bank. Plenty for a three/four night stay at either place, I think, though I would like to stretch the points as much as possible. I'm thinking a Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday trip would be best...

I have a similar weather-based view on the resorts, but mine is inversed, as I am from Ohio. I think staying at the VWL in the summer would be nice, as it would psychologically cool you down, and the breezier, tropical resorts are good in the winter, as they lend a feeling of sunshine. I do think OKW would be better than VWL in the spring... arghhh....

I think we'll be at OKW... is it usually really crowded in the spring? We'll be calling with about 2 months notice.

2 months is fairly short notice to book at any DVC resort in any season. You may be left to the mercy of 'whatever resort is available'. Usually OKW fills up last because it has more villas. I haven't stayed anywhere else than OKW since buying in 1992. Another thing to keep in mind, if you're driving and using your car at WDW OKW is probably the best, since you'll be closer to your car in case of rain, etc. If you'll be relying primarily on the WDW busses you may want BWV or VWL, as there will probably be more covered walkway to/from your villa.
I have stayed in BWV studio and OKW studio and the OKW may be bigger, but the BWV (which is the same size as the VWL) feels bigger because you close up the couch. Also the odd shape of the OKW studios limits the feel of size. The actual measurable difference, as I said before, is negligible.
If you want more for your points, go OKW-studio, the best bargain you can get...

If you are going to stay in a studio, I would stay at VWL. I have only stayed at OKW once in a studio and it was nice, but nothing special and you may be disappointed. However, VWL studio are more .... upscale (lost for words). If you choose a 1bdrm, then OKW is the place and you will be extremly happy with your accomadations, more so than VWL.

We are also new members just joined in Aug and have only stayed once. I base my opinions on what we encountered on that trip in January.

Good Luck
you all rock! Thank you for your advice....what would we all do without these boards???

We've stayed in OKW Studios several times and will spend our next two trips in an OKW studio. We save points and have a bit more room for the three of us. We are bringing my mother with us in April in a studio and should have plenty of room. We stayed in a Studio Plus at BWV and found it a bit crowded for the three of us. Location was more hoppin', but we didn't like having to pull the bed out of the sofa every night. At OKW we have two queen beds. We don't mind sitting on the beds. We did like all the closeness to the activity there.

It can be a bit of a pain to trudge over to the pool to do the laundry at OKW (at BWV the laundry is on the first floor near the elevators, not sure where it is at VWL, but I guess I will find out when we use our new VWL points).

I like the big self-contained bathroom at OKW vs the smaller one with the separated sink at the Villas.

It just comes down to what is more important to you.
How exciting!!! I think we'll do a OKW studio for this spring... I think it will be a lovely touch, and VWL will be nice in the summer when the cool theming will help.

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