First night where to stay?


Apr 8, 2001
We will be getting to Orlando area late and was wondering where to stay ? Just need a clean place to sleep. We will be staying onsight for the rest of our trip.Would like it to be close to Disney.
I was in the same situation as you wanting to stay one night before the vacation really begins. I needed the Saturday following Thanksgiving before checking into the BWV on Sunday. I used Priceline and got the Wyndham Palace for $50. This is under their 4 star, WDW area section. I bet if you just wanted a room, you could bid for less stars and get it substantially cheaper!:p
We usually arrive in the late evening by the time we get thru airport, etc. I would recommend trying to get a good rate at one of the All Star resorts. You'll already be on property and Disney will even move your bags to whatever hotel you're staying at the next morning.
Check out the hotels on this site. They have hotels in all price ranges that have been checked out by Pete! We got a room last year for our final night - but I don't remember the name of it now! But it was a very nice place off 192.
You can usually get a pretty decent rate here. They offer 'FREE' pickup at the Airport, and have a nice pool, and FREE cocktail hour(s) at night, and a FREE breakfast in the morning. Breakfast is Bagels, Rolls, Cereals, muffins, and juices/milk/coffee.

While at the hotel, you can get a private company to take your family directly to your resort of choice for a lot less than Mears. And, assuming that no one bites the driver, he will likely offer to pick you up after the vacation and take you back to the airport.

Last year, my family (4 Adults) paid $30 for a trip from the Airport to Port Orleans, then $40 from Port Orleans to the Airport. (I believe). Anyway, it's far cheaper than renting a car, or paying $20/person to Mears.
we needed a room b4 & after our week in orlando both for 1 nite, got the renaissance for the first nite which was pretty nice. We had stayed there last year when it was Doubletree and the bellhop had remembered us. I bid on priceline & got that room for $50. Our last night I bid for airport at $40 and got Amerisuites when my DH walk in he said wow we could have stayed here all week. It was a very nice suite room w/king bed and sofa opened into bed. Small sink,micro,& refrig.


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