Feedback for IOA Actors – What character interactions have impressed you?


Earning My Ears
Mar 8, 2001
My sister and I just got back from our second trip to Islands Of Adventure (3/2-3/5). It’s quite a distance for us, so we didn’t expect to go back for years – but we lucked out!

Anyway, we had such a wonderful time! One of the most enjoyable parts was the interactions we had with a number of the characters. I have read some of the posts on this board, and understand that the actors themselves enjoy hearing about these experiences. So, I thought this might be good to provide a little feedback! By the way, I think it would be an interesting twist if the IOA actors would share some of the guest interactions that were most entertaining to them -- what are your most memorable stories?

For us, it all started on our first trip when the Green Goblin sensed our fear of him – and repeatedly used it to his advantage. His performance made such a big impression, that on this trip, we could not walk through Marvel Superhero Island without looking nervously over our shoulder! My sister describes him as the “scariest character ever”. You can read our story at

Our positive experience with the Green Goblin prompted us to try the Confisco Café lunch this time, and to be on the lookout for other characters. We couldn’t believe how much fun it was. Here is a summary of the highlights:

Beetle Bailey -- We had a wonderful time "talking" with Beetle. He was very funny!! My sister and I made the mistake of telling Beetle that we startle easily... and he found numerous occasions to use this knowledge. It was delightful... and at one point, I thought he and Dudley Do-Right were going to armwrestle for my sister's affections.

Marty McGraw -- We had the good fortune of riding the Pumpkin Float in the Mardi Gras parade. Marty (or should I spell it Mardi?) was one of the escorts who walked along side that float. What a nice person!! We ran into him a couple of times throughout the park, and each time he went out of his way to be friendly and welcoming -- the next night when we were parade spectators, he even picked us out the crowd and gave us Mardi Gras beads!!

Port of Entry/Traveler Guy -- We walked past him, and he said he would be counting the moments until we returned. He VERY loudly and slowly yelled, "One!... Two!... Three!..." as we continued toward the exit. When he hit 12, we decided we HAD to return to end his waiting. As we left, he once again said he would be counting the moments until we returned... "One!... Two!..." This time he made it to 17, or something -- we couldn't believe he was still counting -- we HAD to go back! As we left this time, we let him know we would be counting the moments... we yelled "One!... Two!...". It was a lot of fun.

Spiderman -- Yes, yes, everyone loves the amply equipped (for crime fighting, that is) Spiderman. Our focus was on the mind of the man. No Itsy-Bitsy Spider brain there... he is 100% deep philosopher. I highly recommend discussions involving the power of smiles and whether bugs are attractive.

Lute Player in Oak Tavern -- We abso-LUTE-ly (his word) learned a lot about the lute -- he is an expert! It was nice to be serenaded as we chomped on ribs and corn-on-the-cob.

Cat in the Hat -- We had a lot of fun trying to interpret his pictionary/charade depiction of his answer to our question: "Did you make a mess of anyone's house today?". He was very patient with us -- and quite creative! (The answer, in case you are wondering, was: No -- he cleaned with Things 1 and 2.)

Captain America -- He really drew a crowd -- it was fun to watch his interactions with kids. Like Spiderman, he is quite a philosopher.

Green Goblin – We were either not noticed, not recognized, or the actor from last time wasn’t there. We were hoping to get the courage up to personally congratulate him on his masterful victory during our last visit. We were also quite curious to know his side of the story -- was his ambush run-of-the-mill, or a shining moment in his Goblin career?? The questions remain, but the interaction with him is still our most memorable.

What kind of character interactions have other people had? Who really impressed you?
How about the Fountain in front of the Sindbad show.That guy has the best job in the park.Its so funny watching him mess with the people who walk bye.
We loved the fountain, my kids got squirted&my 4yr was being called by his name&asked how old he was. Really funny stuff!!!!!
My second most memorable, first was with the wonderful Spiderman, of course, was when my son was 6 and layed eyes on Betty Boop!

It was at Confisco's and it was LOVE at first sight. He kept asking me who she was. One of the security guards brought her over to him. She flirted with him and made him feel sooooo good. She wrote on the table "When you get older and it's OK with your Mom, maybe we can date..."

He will NEVER forget that line!

Of course, I will NEVER forget Spidey... he holds a very special spot in my heart!!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

Spidey was great and the fountain was hilarious. In Confiscos there was a gypsy girl who sat at our table and read the fortunes and flirted with the two 11 year old boys in our party. She was really good - the boys loved her. I'm sure they will always remember her. Also, at US Marilyn Monroe rode by us in a convertible and breathessly said to the boys "Oooh, I l-o-o-ove blondes". They are both blonde and each still insist that she was talking to him.
My favorite is storm, and my buddies is Captain America. I liked storm just because something about a chick ridin' a 4 wheeler is pretty cool. She was also really good with the kids. Captain America was a riot. I dont know who found him, but his muscles are real, and he seems like the kind of guy who really likes to party. He waltzed through the crowd and had no problem picking anyone out for conversation or other interaction. I have a great pic of himm socking my friend in the jaw. People gravitated to storm, in a quiet, awelike way. Captain America gravitated to people - without mercy!
Betty boop walked up behind my friend in confisco's and tapped him on his shoulder, when no other characters were around. he almost choked when he saw her. It was a riot.
I hope they all get paid well, because they were just as much fun as any of the rides.
Dear NalySis (my sister)

It's so funny - I just read your message and showed it to some of my college friends and I find myself thinking that some people probably think that we're freaks! I was there with you and yet when I read your message it sounds so silly like we're out of touch or something!

I hope people realize that we were just really impressed with the quality of the actors' performances, even some of the simplest of interactions like you mentioned above.

To answer your question, what stands out most in my mind is our interaction with Beetle Bailey. For some reason I got the impression that he was a really cute, nice guy.
What is it that causes middle-aged women to flock to Spiderman? I believe I speak for most men when I say it seems a little inappropriate. He's a cartoon character!!

[This message was edited by LuisCreeggano on 03-26-01 at 10:06 PM.]
Yes, but see how middle-aged men act around Betty Boop. :)


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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Oh c'mon Luis. I bet you've taken a second look at Rogue.

In my post I was just commenting on the interactions with Spiderman. I don't harbor any secret fantasies of him. Though I have suspicions that my sister might be drawing cartoons of herself with Beetle Bailey.
Fantasy is great for the soul, Luis...

Besides speaking as a "middle aged" woman, we've had enough experience with REAL men, that cartoon characters are somewhat comfortable, and we don't have to wash their clothes or close the toilet behind them ... <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

And the way we like the way he fits that outfit is not MUCH different than the way most men gape at Britney Spears and my chances with Spiderman are about as good as their chances with HER... ;)


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

The characters at IOA are so terrific. (dare I say much more so than WDW).

We were very impressed by all the Marvel Super Heroes.

But our favorite was Bluto (you know, Popeye's nemesis). He was so funny. When we visited on December 7,2000 my 9 year old son went up to him to get his autograph. For our autograph book we were using a blue furry Mickey Mouse notebook from the Disney Store. It lights up and Mickey says, "Hi Ya Pal, it's me Mickey!" SO anyway, my son went to Bluto and asked for his autograph. Bluto looked at the Mickey pages, turned it over, pressed the Mickey laughing button, looked all mad and put out and then threw the book on the ground and stomped off. My son loved it! We all were laughing. He came back over and picked up the book and made a big hulabaloo about signing in a Mickey book (this without saying a word!). It was so funny. Dr. Doom also gave my son a BIG sigh when he handed him the Mickey book.

Beetle Bailey was also fun. That day we also saw: Captain America, Spiderman, Green Goblin, Dr. Doom, Woody Woodpecker, Beetle Bailey, Popeye and Olive Oyl, Cat in the Hat, Dudley Doright, lots of Whoville characters, the Dr. Hammond from Jurassic Park.

I loved the characters at IOA. THey were much more accessible and plentiful.

The characters were really a highlight. We are very excited to go back to IOA again on our next trip! (whenever that may be)
Rogue?! If you're going to match me up with someone, let it be Olive Oyl - That girl is hot! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

Let me understand - is it that women like the character of Spiderman or the actor that plays the part?? I'm guessing there are multiple people that play the parts. Do women like all the Spidermen or just one muscled one?
bexareaglecheryl -- Wow, you saw a lot of characters! It's really funny to picture a big intimidating guy like Dr. Doom sighing.
WOW! Thank you nalySis for posting this it is great! Again, it is always so wonderful to hear about how a character at IOA/USF really made someone's vacation!

I know all the actor's appreciate your stories and wonderful words......By the way, the two sisters who had the wonderful interaction with the Green Goblin? He saw your posting and was so thrilled!
So thank you....

If at all possible, adding a date you were in the park and had such a great time would make it easier for us.

You really made me smile today, thank you so much for such a great post!!!
As I have posted before, my oldest DGS had his first crush experience with the gypsy. We were having lunch at CG and she took him to a separate table and flirted and played games with him...he floated the rest of the trip. He had been feeling bad because he hadn't the nerve to ride a lot of the rides and his self esteem was flagging. She made him feel special and better about himself and kept our trip happy.

When we came back from our trip last month, his first question was whether we had seen her. He had hoped we had taken her picture...but we didn't and he was so disappointed. She has become a life time memory for him. :)
Hi, Rogue!

My sister and I really loved your comments. Thank you. :)

You mentioned dates... we gave a general range, but not specifics, so let me know if you need more info on our stories.

Anyway, we were glad to share our experiences! Can we make one request? We are curious to know more about the Green Goblin's final victory -- did he see us go into the alleyway, or did he just luck out? Let me tell you, we were SO SHOCKED when he popped in there -- for some reason, we felt COMPLETELY at ease which made his surprise appearance COMPLETELY rattling!! It makes me laugh just thinking about it! If you get a chance, could you ask him to post his perspective, or email it to us at We would be delighted to solve this mystery. :)

Again, thanks for your post!,

p.s. If you guys need to remain anonymous in sending emails, I suggest -- they let you set-up free email accounts.
I really liked him! He scared my son a bit, who is very sensitive to loud noises, but we all had fun! DS has a Hogwarts backpack on his wheelchair, so we got some comments on that.

The Grinch was big with my kids this trip. I am so glad we met the gypsy in the street and she told us to go to that restaurant. We had a blast with Spidey (siiiiggghhh), Grinch, Beetle Bailey, Dudley and our waitress was great too. I almost forgot the Woodpecker! We whistled his theme song in harmony... Too bad I kept smiling and screwing it up. It's hard to whistle when one is having so much fun. Thank you characters for making our lunch very memorable!

EXCELLENT EXCELLENT fun was had by all!

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