fastpass and alternate entrances with wheelchair


Jan 8, 2018
my husband will have a wheelchair for our next visit. we set up our fastpasses 60 days ago when he could walk. how do the fastpasses work when you have to use the alternate entrances? do we just go to the alternate entrance and then just get in line with everybody already there or is there something else we need to do? specifically wondering about spaceship earth and big thunder. Can't think of any others, are there?
also, how will this work with my DAS and return times? thanks.
Most lines at Disney world you are able to go thought either the standby or FP line there are 5 that have a different entrance


space mountain only the FP line

space ship earth


I think just star tours

there are a few with step further in the line that you will by pass latter in the line

For the rides you already have a FP for you just show up to the exit and tell the CM you have a FP they scan your MB and let you in. You will wait behind anyone else there before you witch could be 1 minute or 10 minutes ( I have to use the exit of BTMRR and only one time when they had a medical problem in the holding area in side I waited maybe 15 minutes).

With the DAS just ask for the return time like normal and let them know someone in your group uses a wheelchair and they will let you know what to do.

Also you can have just one return time whether the DAS or wheelchair but not both
Don’t waste a FP on spaceship earth. You’ll be sent around the back no matter what


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