Family Magic Tour - Should We??


Earning My Ears
Jan 7, 2001
Does anyone know anything about this tour? I couldn't find mucn info on Disney's web site. Our daughters will be 5 and 8 and we're wondering if they would enjoy it or be bored. They've each been to WDW a few times already, and we thought maybe this would be fun for them. Do you know how much it costs?

[This message was edited by MiLenTrush on 03-22-01 at 10:56 AM.]
I have no idea how to do a link but this topic has been talked about alot! anyway just go down to the search section and type in family tour and you should get several topics.
We did it with our children last year DD turned 5 that day and DS was shy of 3. I was disappointed with it. But I seem to be in the minority. Most people loved it. Our leader was lacking zest and couldn't keep the group involved. It has alot of wonderful aspects and my DD did love it! But don't go by me, do the search and you will get a better idea

Yes, you have to do this tour atleast once. Went two years ago with daughter who turned 7, hubby and myself. Was alot of fun searching for Peter and the hook! If you are not shy and love alittle adventure. Go for it.. We had a blast. Have fun
My daughter was almost four when my husband and I took her on this tour. It was not worth the time or money, in my opinion. Our tour guide was pretty "blah," and several of the clues didn't work out because the directions were wrong and things like that. Also, at the end when we met Jasmine, the CM was shooing other kids away who weren't on the tour, which I thought was kind of sad and mean. The big "reward" at the end was going to the front of the line at Small World, which didn't have much of a line that day anyway.
Hi! We went last month and did the Family Magic Tour and had a terrific time! It really must hinge on the guide you have...because ours was great...very enthusiastic and made it lots of fun! Can't recall the price...we got a discount with Annual Pass, I believe. Our 4 1/2 yr. old DS loved it and at the end, Belle came out and congratulated us on saving the MK. (We did the 9:30 a.m tour, by the way.) Then, after lots of time for pics and autographs, Belle took everyone to the Jungle Cruise and we rode on it with her. We have lots of pics of our DS holding Belle's hand and totally smitten with her.
If you go, we'll hope you get a great guide, as we thought it was definitely worth it!
There are 2 different ones, one is saving the magic kingdom from malificent and her evil spell (the one we ended up on) and the other one is saving the kingdom from capt. hook. We went last fall and had a great time.(we also had a good guide) The only thing I would say would be if your kids have a vivid imagination.... my 5yr old dd kind of wigged out when she actually saw malificent (disney has/had?) a stage show in front of the castle with all the villians, and naturally this tour is timed so that you get to the wishing well on the side of the castle in time to see malificent.... my dd was really afraid that we weren't going to be able to break the spell. Fortunantly, the guide was excellent and gave her some more "mickey dust" and let her carry the bag of mickey dust and that helped her out. (amazingly enough, to their credit, not one of the bigger kids made fun of her, they all told her that yes we would break the spell and she felt better) It really was a lot of fun, we hopped, jumped, skipped, crawled (even all the grownups) and met aladdin at the end (kind of bummed that we didn't get a princess) and went to the head of the line of small world (I HATE that ride by the way :) ) anyhow, dd got to sit next to aladdin and just LOVED it. Well worth it in my opinion. I want to say it was 25$ for me and 15-20 for her. maggie
This tour is geared for young children. My children were 8 and older. The 8 year old was nearly to old. I was very disappointed. I thought it would be something for the whole family. We did get to ride 'Its a Small world' with Belle at the end, that was the highlight of the Tour. I think that might have only been because Peter pan or Dr, hook never appeared. The only character was Belle.

This Tour was a free perk from a offer with the Magic Kingdom Club. I am glad we did not pay the $25/$15. It would have cost us around $150.



We went two years ago and ds 6 & dd 4 loved it, dd 15, obviously didn't (too much attention brought to us) and dd 1, didn't care either way. We went all through the magic kingdom, to save it from captian hook, at the end we found Peter Pan. He posed for pictures, signed autographs and had a chat with all of us. Then we all got to go to the front of the line of Peter Pans Flight and my kids went with Peter. They were so excited. I think it was $25 for Adults and $15 for kids.



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