Family/Group MK Touring Planning


<font color=blue>WINNER of the world's worst limer
Jun 2, 2002
I have taken on the challenge of trying to hammer out a touring plan of MK for my honey and her family on the last day of our WDW vacation in late September. It will be a Friday. The players are me(34), Gabby(28), Pati(60), Becca(36), Mikey(14), Felicia(12), Launda(38), and Tom(45). It's a motley crew for sure. LOL Pati will be using and ECV or a wheelchair, whatever I can manage to rent that morning at MK. Becca may be using an ECV also, but we just have to see since she just had surgery yesterday. A lot can change in 7-1/2 weeks.

I have emailed them and asked them all for a top 5 must do list. I am hoping to use this information to create a touring plan for the park using Fast Pass to the fullest. To be honest, I will be creating 2 with Becca and her kids and one without. They tend to be somewhat unreliable. But, you have to plan for as much as you can, so.....

Can anyone give me any tips on keeping the herd together? I am feeling a bit tense about this and it's more than the usual out-law family tension too. HELP! Mickey
Went in early July with nine people of varying ages and interests, one in an ecv. The things that kept us all sane were breaking up into interest groups part of the time, using cell phones to keep in contact, making sure everyone got to do something special. We made a point of getting to the park early, one group heading for "big people" rides, one group for Fantasyland. Each group had a "plan" and met up for lunch and to change group members occasionally. Worked great even though it was hot and crowded.

Hope your visit to the "Magic" is a great as ours was.


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