Fall Fantasy Packages?


Can't wait for the next trip!
Jun 17, 2000
Hope someone can help...
In 1996, my husband & I had a package that I think was called a Fall Fantasy package. It included CBR, park tickets, flex features, and a daily choice of meals. It was a great package, at a cheap price... Does any one know if this is still offered?
The Fall Fantasy Package is being offered again this year. The dates for this package are August 26 - September 26. The package includes your accommodations, passes and breakfast each morning. There are no flex features offered with this package this year.

Good Luck!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

We used the Fall Fantasy Package in Nov 1996 at the Polynesian, it was a great deal. You get breakfast everyday and it ended up being slightly less than the resort magic package. But when i checked it again in 1998, it was way more.
Thank you for the info, especially the dates it is being offered during for this year! Now, I can seriously start to plan the next trip! :cool:

Kelli from MA, mom to Justin, wife to Shawn

1980 off property
1982 off property
1986-1990 FW homes
1991 DV tree houses
1992-1994 FW homes
1996 (honeymoon) CBR
1997 FW tenting
2000 (1st w/ our son) FW cabin
Sometimes when you book too far ahead it is impossible to get a reliable price. We are booked at the Polynesian for Feb. 2002. We were hoping for the Sunshine Getaway program. At this early date all they will qoute us is the 2001 price at a reg time of year(not value) at full room price. We were told that because the prices are not set and the value time has not been decided(even though it seems to be around the same time each year) they could not quote us any other price. It makes it very hard to plan things. In addition since I'm still hoping for the SG I can't buy any tickets until I find out whether I will be getting it. It all makes my head spin. :eek:
Just remember....passes are included with FF and SG!!!
Us AP holders can no longer book these packages!!! :(

One of my beefs with the new Disney Club and WDTC !!!


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<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=4><marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate">Co-Captain/Chrtr Mbr of Swan/Dolphin Resort Cheerleading Team!</marquee><font color=red>15th Adventure-July/Aug 2001-16 Days at Dolphin & Animal Kingdom Lodge!!!
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