Fairygodmothers-how late do they babysit?


Earning My Ears
Mar 6, 2001
I was wondering if anyone knows how late the Fairygodmothers child care is available. DH and I would prefer to go out after DS-9 1/2mos is asleep so that the sitter doesn't have any problems getting him to sleep. Kindercare only runs until 9:30 making this impossible.(seems eary to me) I'm really hoping that FG runs later. Any info. would be great! Thanks! Leslie
babysitting service twice, and, I know we didn't get back to our room until later--11:00 pm or 11:30?--can't remember exactly.
I have a card that says "Fairy Godmothers
24 Hour Child Care Service"
The contact name is Gertrude Ridgeway--that's who I spoke to on the phone and she's been doing this for many years. The phone number is (407) 969-9847 and toll free 877-611-4314. May want to call and ask about the hours available?


September 2001 - AllStar/Movies, Wilderness Lodge & Beach Club!!
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